Golden Backed frog 

The Western Ghats of India is home to a diverse range of species, including the beautiful and unique Golden backed frog (Indosylvirana aurantiaca). This frog is known for its vibrant golden coloration and its importance to the ecosystem in which it resides. In this article, we will explore the features, habitat, distribution, and significance of the Golden backed frog in the Western Ghats.

NameIndian Golden backed frog of western ghats
Scientific NameIndosylvirana aurantiaca
ColourGolden-yellow back with brownish-grey markings
HabitatEvergreen forests, swamps, and wetlands
Indian states where its foundWestern Ghats in India
IUCN statusLeast Concern (LC)


The Golden backed frog is a small-sized amphibian, with adults typically measuring between 2.5 to 3.5 cm in length. They have a smooth skin and are notable for their bright golden coloration on their backs, which contrasts with their dark brown or black colored legs. These frogs also have a white-colored underbelly. They have a distinct call, which sounds like a short, sharp whistle, and is typically heard during the monsoon season.

Habitat and Food

The Golden backed frog is predominantly found in evergreen and semi-evergreen forests in the Western Ghats of India. These frogs prefer to reside near streams, ponds, and other water bodies, where they can lay their eggs and find their food. They are primarily insectivorous and feed on a range of small insects and arthropods such as ants, beetles, and crickets.

Where is it found in India?

The Golden backed frog is endemic to the Western Ghats of India, which is a mountain range running parallel to the western coast of India. They are primarily found in the states of Kerala, Karnataka, and Tamil Nadu, with some sightings reported in Goa as well.

Importance to Ecosystem

The Golden backed frog plays an important role in the ecosystem of the Western Ghats. As insectivores, they help in controlling the population of small insects and arthropods, which can otherwise become pests. Additionally, these frogs are an indicator species, meaning their presence or absence can indicate the overall health of the ecosystem. The Western Ghats is a biodiversity hotspot, and the presence of the Golden backed frog is a testament to the richness of the ecosystem in this region.

IUCN Status

The Golden backed frog is classified as ‘Near Threatened’ on the IUCN Red List of Threatened Species. The major threats to the survival of these frogs are habitat loss and fragmentation, pollution of water bodies, and the introduction of non-native species. It is crucial to conserve the habitats of these frogs to ensure their survival and maintain the ecological balance of the Western Ghats.


The Golden backed frog is a unique and beautiful species that is endemic to the Western Ghats of India. Its bright golden coloration, distinct call, and importance to the ecosystem make it a valuable and fascinating species to study and conserve. It is important to protect and conserve the habitats of these frogs to ensure their survival and preserve the biodiversity of the Western Ghats.

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