
Cope’s Assam Frog 

Cope’s Assam frog, also known as Hydrophylax leptoglossa, is a species of frog that belongs to the family of Dicroglossidae. It is a small-sized frog species found in the north-eastern region of India. This species was first described by Edward Drinker Cope, an American herpetologist in 1865.

NameCope’s Assam frog
Scientific NameHydrophylax leptoglossa
ColourBrown or olive green on the dorsal side, yellow on the ventral side with dark spots on the body
HabitatShallow streams, hill streams, and small rivers in tropical and subtropical forests
Indian states where it’s foundArunachal Pradesh, Assam, Manipur, Meghalaya, Nagaland, and Tripura
IUCN statusLeast Concern


Cope’s Assam frog has a small size, and adult males can grow up to 3.3 cm while females grow up to 3.8 cm. The frog’s body is smooth and slimy, and it has a round snout with small eyes. Its hind legs are long and thin, enabling it to jump over long distances. The frog’s coloration is variable, and it can range from pale brown to olive brown with scattered brown spots all over its body.

Habitat and Food

Cope’s Assam frog inhabits tropical forests and hilly areas with an altitude ranging from 800 to 2000 meters. The frog prefers to live near water sources, such as streams, rivers, and ponds. It is a nocturnal species and is active during the night. The frog feeds on insects, spiders, and other small invertebrates.

Where is it found in India

Cope’s Assam frog is found in the north-eastern region of India, particularly in the states of Assam, Arunachal Pradesh, Meghalaya, Mizoram, and Nagaland.

Importance to Ecosystem

Cope’s Assam frog is an essential part of the ecosystem as it preys on insects and helps maintain the ecological balance. Its presence in the ecosystem indicates that the ecosystem is healthy and thriving.

IUCN status

The International Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN) has listed Cope’s Assam frog as a species of “Least Concern.” Although the population of the frog has not been assessed, it is widely distributed and found in several protected areas, which provides some level of protection to the species. However, habitat loss due to deforestation and agricultural activities may pose a threat to the species in the future. Therefore, it is necessary to monitor its population and take measures to protect its habitat.

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