The Enigmatic Red-Naped Ibis – A Detailed Examination


The Red-naped Ibis is not just another bird in the sky; it’s a marvel of avian architecture, adaptability, and ecological importance. This bird, with its striking black feathers and an unmistakable red patch on the nape, frequents the plains of the Indian subcontinent. A chance encounter with this majestic creature, usually near lakes, marshes, or irrigated farmlands, is nothing short of serendipity for bird lovers. In this guide, we thoroughly explore the Red-naped Ibis’ traits, actions, and conservation status.


Serial NumberCharacteristicsDescription
1Common nameRed-naped Ibis
2Scientific namePseudibis papillosa
3ColourBlack body with blue-green gloss, red nape
4Average lengthNot specified
5Average heightNot specified
6Type of birdWetlands, Riverbeds
7Found in India in statesHaryana, Punjab, Gangetic Plain
8HabitatLakes, marshes, irrigated farmlands
9IUCN StatusNot specified

Features of the Bird


The Red-naped Ibis does not have an officially recorded average length, but it does have a wide wingspan that aids in its bird migration. A closer bird image name would reveal the long, down-curved bill, which allows for a more diversified foraging technique. With such anatomy, the Red-naped Ibis competes for food resources in its birdlife sanctuary.


 Only a littleh information is available regarding the vertical height of the Red-naped Ibis, but one of the bird’s most captivating features is its red nape. When the bird is positioned upside-down, the height can be pretty dramatic. This position might present the bird in a different, majestic angle for bird png and bird photos.

Running Speed

Speed is only one of the most commonly discussed aspects of the Red-naped Ibis. They generally forage slowly, walking around in dry land or stubbly fields, making them a common subject for bird picture collections. However, when disturbed, they can take off at a commendable speed, leaving behind a bird-flying spectacle.


The Red-naped Ibis sports an enchanting black body that exudes a blue-green gloss. It’s an absolutely stunning sight for bird lovers and an excellent subject for bird photos.

Habitat and Food of the Bird

  1. Lakes: The Red-naped Ibis frequents lakes as they provide a good foraging ground.
  1. Marshes: These birds are also commonly found in marshy lands, making them a staple in any bird sanctuary or birdlife sanctuary.
  1. Riverbeds: The banks of rivers are often populated by these ibises.
  1. Irrigated Farmlands: Human activity in the form of irrigation creates the ideal habitat for these birds.
  1. Food: They feed on carrion, insects, frogs, and grain. Their presence in bird shops near me for feeds is uncommon as they prefer natural foraging.

Nesting and Nurturing

The Red-naped Ibis is not typically found in birdhouses as they prefer natural environments. Their nests are large stick platforms often constructed on banyan or peepal trees. Interestingly, these nests are often close to human habitation. Bird nests like these are not just haphazard structures; they are well-thought-out creations where both males and females contribute to their making and maintenance.


The major threats to the Red-naped Ibis include habitat loss and pollution. Human encroachment into their natural habitats makes it increasingly difficult to forage and nest. Bird shops rarely have protective measures, making natural conservation efforts more critical.

IUCN Status and Conservation

The IUCN status of the Red-naped Ibis needs to be specified, but conservation efforts are needed to maintain the population. With the popularity of birdhouses, bird shops, and birdlife sanctuaries, these birds must also be given the attention they deserve for survival.


The Red-naped Ibis is a bird of many wonders. Its unique features, extensive habitat, and the looming threats to its existence make it a crucial subject for conservation. For every bird lover, bird shop owner, or general nature enthusiast, understanding and appreciating the intricacies of this bird can add a new dimension to their birdlife.

More info about Red-naped Ibis – Link

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