Common Dolphin

Dolphins are among the most fascinating and intelligent creatures on the planet. These marine mammals are known for their playful behaviour, acrobatic skills, and highly social nature. With over 40 different species of dolphins found in waters around the world, these animals have captured the attention and admiration of humans for centuries. From the acrobatic spins of the bottlenose dolphin to the unique pink coloration of the Amazon river dolphin, each species has its own distinct characteristics that make them fascinating to study and observe.


Sl No.CharacteristicsDescription
1Common NameCommon Dolphin
2Scientific NameDelphinus Delphis
3Length1.7 to 2.5 metres (5.5 to 8.2 feet) in length
4Colourdark grey or black back and a pale cream or white belly, They also have a yellowish or tan hourglass pattern on their sides, with a black stripe running through the middle
5Average weight weigh between 70 and 235 kilograms 
6Food habitssmall fish, squid, and crustaceans. 
7Habitatoffshore waters but can also be found in coastal areas, estuaries, and occasionally in rivers
8Any interesting facts about them They areknown for their high-pitched whistles and clicks, which they use to communicate with each other. One of the most unique features of common dolphins is their ability to swim at very high speeds

The common dolphin (delphinus delphis) is a medium-sized marine mammal that belongs to the family Delphinidae. Common dolphins have a distinctive colour pattern, with a dark grey or black back and a pale cream or white belly. They also have a yellowish or tan hourglass pattern on their sides, with a black stripe running through the middle. Adult common dolphins typically range from 1.7 to 2.5 metres (5.5 to 8.2 feet) in length and weigh between 70 and 235 kilograms (154 to 518 pounds). Males are slightly larger than females. Common dolphins have a streamlined body shape with a long, narrow beak and a tall, curved dorsal fin. They also have a prominent, cone-shaped head and a relatively short, stocky body. Their flippers are pointed and relatively long, and they have a distinct V-shaped notch in their flukes. Common dolphins are highly social animals and are known for their acrobatic displays, such as leaping out of the water and riding the bow waves of boats. They often travel in large groups, or pods, and can be found in both coastal and offshore waters. They are also known for their high-pitched whistles and clicks, which they use to communicate with each other. One of the most unique features of common dolphins is their ability to swim at very high speeds, reaching up to 60 kilometres per hour (37 miles per hour). They are also known for their cooperative hunting behaviour, where they work together to corral schools of fish into tight balls, making them easier to catch.

Food Habits

Common dolphins are opportunistic feeders and consume a variety of prey, including small fish, squid, and crustaceans. They are known to work together in groups to corral schools of fish, making it easier to catch their prey. They also use echolocation to locate and track their food.


Common dolphins prefer warm, offshore waters but can also be found in coastal areas, estuaries, and occasionally in rivers. They are known to be highly adaptable and can be found in a wide range of water conditions, from tropical to temperate.

Vulnerable Species

The population status of common dolphins (Delphinus delphis) in India is not well known, and there is limited data available on their numbers. However, they are considered a vulnerable species globally and face several threats in their Indian range. Common dolphins are sensitive to changes in their environment and are impacted by habitat loss and degradation. Activities such as coastal development, dredging, and pollution can disrupt their feeding, breeding, and migration patterns, and can lead to a decline in their populations. Common dolphins are often caught as bycatch in fishing nets, particularly in the shrimp trawl fishery. This can result in direct mortality or serious injury, and can also impact the dolphins’ ability to find food and reproduce. Human activities such as shipping, construction, and oil and gas exploration can produce underwater noise that can disrupt the dolphins’ communication and echolocation abilities, making it harder for them to find food and navigate. Changes in sea temperature and acidity levels can impact the dolphins’ food sources and habitat, and can also lead to the spread of diseases and harmful algal blooms.

Protected Areas

Common dolphins are not specifically protected by any national park in India, as they are not found in large enough numbers in any one location to warrant such protection. However, there are several marine protected areas in India where common dolphins and other marine species are conserved. These include:

Gulf of Mannar Marine National Park in the Gulf of Mannar in Tamil Nadu is home to a variety of marine species, including common dolphins. The park covers an area of 560 square kilometers and includes 21 islands.

Mahatma Gandhi Marine National Park in the Andaman and Nicobar Islands was established in 1983 and covers an area of 281.5 square kilometres. It includes 15 islands and is home to a variety of marine species, including common dolphins.

Marine National Park, Gulf of Kutch is located in the Gulf of Kutch in Gujarat and was established in 1982. It covers an area of 162.89 square kilometres and includes several islands and coral reefs. It is home to a variety of marine species, including common dolphins.

Conservation of the Species

Protecting the natural habitats of these dolphin species is crucial. This includes maintaining water quality, preventing pollution, and regulating the use of river systems, estuaries, and coastlines. 

Human activities such as fishing, boating, and development can have a significant impact on dolphin populations. Reducing the impact of these activities by regulating fishing practices, reducing noise pollution, and minimising boat traffic can help to preserve dolphin populations. 

Raising awareness of the importance of these dolphin species and their habitats can help to generate support for conservation efforts. Education programs can be implemented for local communities, schools, and tourists to teach them about the importance of these species. 

Conducting research and monitoring programs can help to better understand these species and their habitats. This information can be used to develop effective conservation strategies and monitor the success of these efforts over time. Effective conservation efforts will require collaboration and partnerships between various stakeholders, including government agencies, NGOs, local communities, and researchers. By working together, these groups can develop and implement effective conservation strategies to protect these dolphin species. 

With the increase in marine tourism activities such as boat rides and water sports, it is important to regulate these activities in a manner that ensures the safety and conservation of dolphins. This can be done by enforcing strict guidelines on boat traffic, keeping a safe distance from dolphins, and avoiding activities that can cause stress or harm to dolphins. 

Pollution can be extremely harmful to dolphin populations. This includes plastic pollution, chemical pollution, and noise pollution. Reducing pollution levels in the environment can help to protect these species and their habitats.


In conclusion, the conservation of these dolphin species is critical to maintain the biodiversity of our planet and the health of aquatic ecosystems. We must take concerted efforts to protect these intelligent and charismatic creatures from habitat loss, human impact, pollution, and other threats. By implementing the strategies mentioned above, we can ensure the long-term survival of these unique species and the preservation of their habitats for future generations.

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