Common Emerald Dove

In the dense, verdant forests of Southeast Asia, a tiny creature flits between the leaves like a shimmering green jewel. The common emerald dove, with its iridescent feathers and delicate frame, is a symbol of beauty and grace in the wilderness.

Serial NumberCharacteristicsDescription
1Common nameCommon Emerald Dove
2Scientific nameChalcophaps indica
3ColourBeautiful emerald green feathers on the upperparts and wings, with a greyish-blue head and underparts
4Average length25-27 cm
5Average height13-15 cm
6Type of birdWoodland
7Found in India in statesAll over India
8HabitatDeciduous and evergreen forests, as well as wooded areas near human habitation
9StatusLeast Concern


The Common Emerald Dove, also known as the Green Dove, is a medium-sized bird with a plump and rounded body. It typically measures around 23 to 28 centimeters (9 to 11 inches) in length, with a wingspan of about 40 centimeters (16 inches).

The bird’s plumage is predominantly bright emerald green, with a distinct white patch on the throat and a black-and-white striped pattern on the neck. The wings are also green, but with a metallic purple sheen on the outer edges. The tail feathers are long and pointed, with a black-and-white pattern and a broad white tip.

The eyes of the Common Emerald Dove are a deep red, while the beak and legs are a pale pinkish-grey color. The male and female birds look very similar, but the male may have slightly brighter and more vibrant plumage.

Habitat and Food

The Common Emerald Dove is a species of bird that can be found in a wide range of forest habitats, including tropical and subtropical rainforests, deciduous woodlands, and even some urban parks and gardens. They are found throughout much of Southeast Asia, including India, Indonesia, Malaysia, and the Philippines.

These birds are primarily frugivorous, meaning they eat a diet primarily composed of fruits and berries. They will also occasionally consume insects and small invertebrates, such as snails, worms, and caterpillars. In the wild, Common Emerald Doves are known to forage both on the ground and in trees, using their sharp beaks to crack open tough-skinned fruits and seeds.

Nesting and Nurturing

The Common Emerald Dove is a species of bird that typically nests in trees or shrubs, usually in the lower branches or near the trunk. The nest is usually constructed from twigs and leaves, and is often placed in a sheltered location, such as under the overhang of a large leaf or in the crotch of a branch.

Female Common Emerald Doves typically lay two eggs per clutch, which are a creamy white color and measure around 23-25 mm in length. The eggs are usually laid several days apart, and are incubated by both parents for a period of around 14-16 days.

Once the eggs hatch, the young birds are altricial, meaning that they are born naked and helpless, and rely completely on their parents for food and warmth. The parents take turns caring for the chicks, with one bird remaining at the nest to provide warmth and protection while the other goes out to forage for food.

The chicks are fed a diet of regurgitated fruit pulp and insects, and grow rapidly in the first few weeks of life. By around 12-14 days after hatching, the chicks are fully feathered and able to leave the nest, although they may continue to be fed by their parents for several more weeks. The parents may also continue to defend the young birds from predators and other threats even after they have fledged and left the nest.

IUCN Status

The IUCN Red List of Threatened Species currently lists the Common Emerald Dove as a species of “Least Concern”. This means that the species is not currently considered to be at significant risk of extinction in the wild, and its population is believed to be stable.

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