
Crassula Red Pagoda

“Plants give us oxygen for the lungs and for the soul,” said Linda Solegato

If one such plant is exemplifying this saying, it’s the Crassula Red Pagoda. This uniquely coloured succulent is a striking addition to any indoor garden.

Crassula Red Pagoda, often referred to as the “Red Pagoda,” is an incredibly distinctive and intriguing succulent that looks like it belongs in an exotic art installation rather than in an indoor pot. Native to South Africa, this succulent captivates the viewer with its compact, pyramidal, and tightly stacked leaves that look like miniature red pagodas.

From afar, you might think you’re looking at a carefully sculpted piece of modern art. It’s only when you come closer that you realise it’s a living, breathing entity. Its leaves, a deep, fiery red under bright light, soften to a pinkish hue in more shaded conditions, while the base maintains a rich green colour.


Common NameCrassula Red Pagoda
Scientific NameCrassula capitella ‘Red Pagoda’
OriginSouth Africa
Leaves ColourRed/Pink
SunlightBright, indirect light
Soil TypeWell-draining sandy or gritty soil
Water RequirementsModerate, drought-tolerant
Maximum Height6-8 inches

This succulent requires minimal care, making it a fantastic choice for beginner indoor gardeners.

Types of the Plant

As a species, Crassula Red Pagoda doesn’t have any specific types or subspecies under it. It itself is a cultivar of Crassula capitella. Its unique colour and shape make it a standalone variety in the world of succulents.

Plant Care: Sunlight, Watering, Soil, and Repotting

Sunlight Needs

Crassula Red Pagoda needs bright, indirect sunlight to retain its vibrant colour. Place it near a window that gets plenty of light.

Water Needs

Being a succulent, Crassula Red Pagoda is drought-tolerant and needs water only when the soil dries out.

Soil Type

Use a well-draining soil mix, ideally a cactus mix or sandy soil, for this succulent. Overly wet soil can lead to root rot.


Repot the plant when it outgrows the current pot or every two years to refresh the soil.

Common Problems and Remedies


Avoid overwatering as it can cause root rot. Water only when the soil is dry.

Pest Infestation

Keep an eye out for mealybugs, a common pest of succulents. If found, use an insecticidal soap spray.


Direct sunlight can cause the leaves to scorch. Place the plant in a location with bright but indirect sunlight.

Best Places for Plant Decor in Your Home

Beside the Television

Placing the Crassula Red Pagoda next to your television will make the corner pop with its fiery hues.

On the Dining Table

Add a natural touch to your dining area by placing this succulent on the dining table. Its compact size makes it perfect for small spaces.

Rooftop Terrace

If you have a rooftop terrace, the Crassula Red Pagoda can be a fantastic addition. It can endure the sun and the wind, while adding a splash of colour to your outdoor space.


Adding a Crassula Red Pagoda to your indoor garden is a decision you won’t regret. Its attractive colours, unique shape, and low maintenance requirements make it a fantastic choice for anyone looking to add a touch of natural charm to their home.

Remember to place it in a location that receives bright, indirect sunlight, water it sparingly, and keep an eye out for pests. By doing so, your Crassula Red Pagoda will continue to be an eye-catching feature in your home, adding a much-needed splash of colour and life to your surroundings. Enjoy the indoor gardening journey with this distinctive succulent, and you might just find yourself in love with its architectural beauty.

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