Get Acquainted with the Rufous-bellied Woodpecker: The Drummer of the Indian Forests

Get Acquainted with the Rufous-bellied Woodpecker: The Drummer of the Indian Forests

The Rufous-bellied Woodpecker is a captivating and lesser-known avian species that calls the subtropical forests of the Indian subcontinent and Southeast Asia home. Recognized by its resplendent red crown in males and rufous underparts, this bird stands as a testament to nature’s brilliance. Often captured in stunning bird pictures and fascinating bird photos, it’s a muse for both professional and amateur photographers. This blog aims to be more than just a mere collection of bird image names; it is designed as a comprehensive bird sanctuary of knowledge for bird lovers, ornithologists, and anyone interested in the incredible world of avian species. From discussing its unique features such as length, height, and running speed, to diving into its nesting habits and conservation status, this blog endeavors to be a one-stop resource. Whether you’re an avid birdwatcher looking to expand your bird image name collection or someone trying to locate a bird shop near me for bird-watching gear, stay tuned as we delve into the remarkable life of the Rufous-bellied Woodpecker.


Serial NumberCharacteristicsDescription
1Common nameRufous-bellied Woodpecker
2Scientific nameDendrocopos hyperythrus
3ColourCinnamon or rufous underparts, black back
4Average length19 to 23 cm
5Average heightSame as length
6Type of birdForest
7Found in India in statesAlong the Himalayas
8HabitatMoist lowland and montane forests
9IUCN StatusData Deficient

Features of the Bird


Spanning an average length of 19 to 23 cm, the Rufous-bellied Woodpecker is neither the largest nor the smallest in its family. However, what it lacks in size, it compensates for in agility and adaptability. The bird’s moderate length allows it to navigate through dense birdlife sanctuaries, swiftly maneuvering around branches and leaves. The medium length also provides a comfortable grip on tree trunks, essential for its sapping behavior. Bird image names often showcase this bird in its full glory, emphasizing its perfect proportions.


When measured from the tip of the beak to the end of the tail while hanging vertically, the bird’s height coincides with its length. This medium height allows it to maintain a low profile while traversing various terrains. Pictures of this bird are often captured in bird png and bird photos, illustrating its symmetrical design.

Running Speed

While running speed isn’t a commonly studied metric for this bird—given that it prefers to fly or cling to tree trunks—the Rufous-bellied Woodpecker is agile enough to escape predators quickly. If you’re a bird lover interested in capturing its movements, you might want to visit a bird shop near me to get a fast camera lens.


The Rufous-bellied Woodpecker has a red crown for males and a black one speckled with white for females. Both males and females have a black mantle and back, with black-barred wings and white markings. Both sexes have a black mantle and back, while the wings are black barred with white. Its underparts are a uniform cinnamon or rufous, adding to the bird’s colorful appearance. This is a must-see birdlife for anyone interested in bird photos and bird pictures.

Habitat and Food of the Bird

  1. Habitat: Found predominantly in moist lowland and montane forests, the Rufous-bellied Woodpecker has a preference for subtropical climates.
  1. Range: Primarily found along the Himalayas in India, it also resides in Southeast Asia.
  1. Diet: Feeds primarily on sap during the spring season, as well as wood-boring and bark insects at most other times.
  1. Food Sources: Prefers Rhododendron arboreum and other similar trees for tapping and sapping.
  1. Bird Migration: Though not a migratory bird, some local movements may be noticed according to seasonal availability of food.

Nesting and Nurturing

The Rufous-bellied Woodpecker shows an amazing variety of bird nests. The female initiates courtship and is mainly responsible for building the ground nest. The male, in a role-reversal typical in the bird nest world, incubates the usually four speckled greyish eggs. The nesting season typically occurs from June to September. If you’re interested in building a bird house to observe this nesting behavior, there are various bird shop options available.


The biggest danger to the birds living in this sanctuary is the loss of their natural habitat.  With ever-increasing human intervention in the Himalayan forests, this bird’s natural abode is shrinking. Illegal logging is a massive problem, impacting not just this bird but also the bird migration patterns of several other species.

IUCN Status and Conservation

 The population status of the Rufous-bellied Woodpecker is unclear and classified as Data Deficient by the IUCN. However, conservationists and bird lovers are advocating for better birdlife sanctuary protections and are conducting further studies.


In conclusion, the Rufous-bellied Woodpecker is an avian treasure that enriches the biodiversity of the Indian subcontinent. Its unique features, ranging from its distinctive crown color to its specialized sapping behavior, make it a fascinating subject for bird lovers, conservationists, and photographers alike. While its IUCN status is still Data Deficient, what is crystal clear is that this bird needs our attention for conservation. Every bird picture and bird photo captured helps in increasing public interest and thereby, awareness for its conservation. For those who have the privilege of visiting bird sanctuaries or living near these bird’s natural habitats, witnessing the Rufous-bellied Woodpecker is akin to watching poetry in motion. It’s not just a bird; it’s a symbol of the fragile yet beautiful balance of our ecosystem. Therefore, the next time you visit a bird shop, remember that each of us can contribute to the well-being of this extraordinary species. If you’re interested in birdlife, bird migration, or simply enjoy the aesthetic beauty of bird nests, let the Rufous-bellied Woodpecker captivate you with its mesmerizing life story. Truly, it’s a bird that appeals to the senses and the intellect alike.

More info about Rufous-bellied Woodpecker – Link

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