
Great Indian Bustard 

The great Indian bustard, with its majestic wingspan and strikingly regal stature, is a creature that captures the imagination and inspires awe in all who behold it. This magnificent bird, also known as the “Godawan,” is a true marvel of the natural world, an icon of grace and strength that embodies the spirit of India.

As it strides through the grasslands, its long legs carry it with an effortless grace, each step imbued with the dignity and poise that befits a creature of such rare beauty. The bustard’s plumage is a wonder to behold, with soft shades of tan and brown that blend seamlessly into the arid landscape it calls home.

Serial NumberCharacteristicsDescription
1Common nameGreat Indian Bustard
2Scientific nameArdeotis nigriceps
3ColourBrownish-grey with black and white markings on the head and neck
4Average length120-150 cm
5Average height100-120 cm
6Type of birdGrassland
7Found in India in statesRajasthan, Gujarat, Maharashtra, Karnataka, Andhra Pradesh, and Madhya Pradesh
8HabitatDry grasslands, scrublands, and agricultural fields
9StatusCritically Endangered


The great Indian bustard is a magnificent bird species with a unique set of physical features that make it an iconic symbol of India’s wildlife. It is a large, heavy bird, with a distinctive, bulky body that is covered in soft, tan, and brown feathers. Measuring up to 1.2 meters in height, the great Indian bustard is an imposing sight, with long, powerful legs that are perfectly adapted for running and agile movements. The bird’s wingspan can reach up to 2.5 meters, making it one of the largest flying birds in the world.

The male and female bustards are similar in appearance, with both sporting a striking white patch on the sides of their necks. The male, however, has a more prominent black patch on its breast, which is used during the breeding season to attract a mate.

The bustard’s elongated neck is covered in black and white feathers, which complement its overall coloration. Its head is small and rounded, with large, dark eyes that seem to gleam in the sunlight.

Habitat and Food

The great Indian bustard is a bird species that is found predominantly in the grasslands and semi-arid regions of India. These regions are characterized by open expanses of grass, scrubland, and savannas, which provide the ideal habitat for the bustard’s survival.

The bustard’s diet consists mainly of grasses, seeds, insects, and small reptiles. As they roam the vast grasslands in search of food, they use their keen eyesight to spot prey from a distance. Once they have identified a target, they will move quickly and purposefully to catch it, using their powerful legs to run and their sharp beaks to seize their prey.

Nesting and Nurturing

The great Indian bustard is a bird species that is known for its unique nesting habits. The female bustard will lay a single egg at a time, which is incubated by both parents. The nest is a simple scrape in the ground, which is usually located in a concealed area such as tall grass or brush.

The eggs of the great Indian bustard are pale green in color, with a spotted pattern that helps to camouflage them from predators. The incubation period lasts around 26-30 days, after which the eggs hatch into a single fluffy chick.

Both parents take an active role in caring for the young chick, which is born with a full set of feathers and a strong instinct for survival. The chick is fed a diet of insects and seeds, which are regurgitated by the parents directly into its beak.

As the chick grows, it becomes more independent and begins to explore its surroundings, although it still relies heavily on its parents for protection and food. The parents will continue to care for the chick for several months until it is strong enough to fend for itself.

IUCN Status

The International Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN) has classified the great Indian bustard as Critically Endangered on its Red List of Threatened Species. This is the highest level of threat classification that the IUCN uses, indicating that the species is facing an extremely high risk of extinction in the wild.

The population of the great Indian bustard has been declining rapidly over the past few decades due to habitat loss, hunting, and other human activities. The bird’s grassland habitat is being converted into agricultural land, and development projects such as wind farms and power transmission lines have further fragmented and disturbed their habitat.

Conservation efforts are underway to protect and conserve the great Indian bustard, including the establishment of protected areas and habitat restoration programs. Breeding programs are also being implemented to increase the population of the species in captivity and reintroduce them into the wild.

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