Indian Bottlebrush Tree 

Indian Bottlebrush, also known as Callistemon lanceolatus, is a tree species native to India. The tree gets its name from its cylindrical flower spikes, which resemble a bottlebrush. Indian Bottlebrush is an evergreen tree that is grown for ornamental purposes. It is easy to grow and requires low maintenance. The tree is found in various parts of India and is well adapted to different climatic conditions.

Tree CharacteristicsDescription
Common NameIndian Bottlebrush Tree
Scientific NameCallistemon lanceolatus
Maximum Height20-25 meters
Diameter of Crown4-6 meters
Diameter of Trunk40-60 cm
Years to Grow4-6 years
Economic BenefitUsed for ornamental and medicinal purposes, honey source

Physical Characteristics

Indian Bottlebrush has a maximum height of up to 20 meters, with a spreading crown that can reach up to 10 meters in diameter. The tree has a single trunk that can grow up to 60 cm in diameter, and its bark is dark brown and rough. The leaves are lance-shaped, leathery, and up to 15 cm long. The flowers are arranged in cylindrical spikes that are about 10-15 cm long and appear in the spring and summer months.

Ecological Role

Indian Bottlebrush has an important ecological role in India. It is known to attract pollinators like bees, butterflies, and birds, which help in cross-pollination of other plants in the area. The tree is also known to improve the soil quality by fixing nitrogen, which enhances the growth of other plants in the area.

Importance to Birds, Animals, and Insects

The flowers of Indian Bottlebrush are a rich source of nectar for various bird species, including sunbirds and hummingbirds. The tree’s dense foliage provides shelter to birds and small animals, making it an important habitat for them. Insects like bees and butterflies are also attracted to the flowers of the tree, making it an essential food source for them.

Climatic Conditions

Indian Bottlebrush thrives well in well-drained soils that are rich in organic matter. The tree can tolerate a wide range of temperatures, from 5 to 45 degrees Celsius, making it suitable for different climatic conditions. It is drought tolerant, but regular watering is required during the dry months for better growth and flowering.

States in India Where the Tree is Found Naturally

Indian Bottlebrush is found naturally in various parts of India, including Andhra Pradesh, Tamil Nadu, Karnataka, Kerala, and Maharashtra.

Different Stages of Tree Growth in Detail

Indian Bottlebrush grows relatively fast and can reach a height of 3-4 meters in just a few years. The tree starts flowering when it is around 3-4 years old. The flowers of the tree are a bright red color when in bloom and attract various pollinators. The tree produces fruits that are woody capsules, which contain small seeds.

How Farmers are Benefited by Growing it

Indian Bottlebrush has significant economic benefits to farmers. The tree is grown for ornamental purposes and is in high demand in the landscaping industry. Farmers can earn a good income by growing Indian Bottlebrush under agroforestry. The tree can also be used as a windbreak or shelter belt for other crops, thereby enhancing their growth.


The Indian Bottlebrush tree is valued for its ornamental value, and is often planted as an attractive landscape tree in gardens, parks, and along roadsides. Its bright red flowers are a popular attraction for birds, bees, and butterflies, and it is often used in urban reforestation programs to beautify and green public spaces. The tree is also sometimes used for its wood, which is hard and durable, and is suitable for making tool handles, furniture, and other small items. In traditional medicine, the leaves and bark of the tree are used to treat a variety of ailments, including fever, coughs, and skin diseases. The tree also has religious significance in Hindu culture, and is often planted around temples and other sacred sites. Overall, the Indian Bottlebrush tree is a valuable and versatile plant that provides a range of ecological, economic, and cultural benefits to communities across India.


Indian Bottlebrush is an important tree species in India, providing various ecological and economic benefits. The tree’s beautiful flowers and dense foliage make it an ideal ornamental tree that is easy to grow and requires low maintenance. With its adaptability to different climatic conditions and soil types, Indian Bottlebrush is an ideal tree for farmers to grow under agroforestry.

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