Indian Cobra 

The India Cobra, scientifically known as Naja naja, is one of the most venomous snakes found in India. It is a highly venomous species of the cobra family, and its venom can cause paralysis or death. Despite its dangerous reputation, India Cobras play an important role in the ecosystem by controlling rodent populations.

NameIndian Cobra (Naja Naja)
Scientific NameNaja naja
ColourDark brown or black with a hood that may be yellow or cream-colored
LengthUp to 6 feet (1.8 meters)
HabitatVarious habitats including forests, fields, and human settlements
Toxicity LevelHighly venomous, capable of delivering a fatal bite to humans
Indian States where it’s foundThroughout India
IUCN statusLeast Concern


The India Cobra is a medium-sized snake that can grow up to 2 meters in length. Its color varies from light brown to black with a hood that can be spread when the snake is threatened. It has a slender body with smooth scales and its eyes are large and round. India Cobras are relatively fast and can move at a speed of up to 12 kilometers per hour. They can weigh up to 1.5 kilograms.

Type of Venom

The venom of the India Cobra is highly toxic and contains neurotoxins and cardiotoxins. The neurotoxins affect the central nervous system, causing paralysis, while the cardiotoxins affect the heart, leading to cardiac arrest. The venom can cause respiratory failure and ultimately death if left untreated. However, the good news is that an effective antivenom is available in case of a snake bite.

Habitat and Food

India Cobras are found throughout the Indian subcontinent and prefer areas with dense vegetation such as forests, grasslands, and agricultural fields. They feed on rodents, lizards, frogs, and other small animals. They are active hunters and use their venom to kill their prey.

Where is it found in India

India Cobras are found throughout the Indian subcontinent, from the foothills of the Himalayas to the southern tip of the country. They are commonly found in rural and urban areas, especially near human settlements, where they prey on rodents and other small animals.

Importance to Ecosystem

India Cobras play an important role in controlling the population of rodents and other small animals, which can cause damage to crops and spread diseases. They are also an important part of the food chain, serving as prey for larger animals such as birds of prey and mammals. India Cobras are also important cultural symbols and are revered in many parts of India.

IUCN Status

The India Cobra is classified as a species of least concern by the International Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN). This is because it is widespread and common throughout its range. However, the destruction of its natural habitat and the use of pesticides and other chemicals pose a threat to its survival in certain areas. It is important to conserve this species and their habitat for the benefit of the ecosystem and human health.

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