Labeo bata

Labeo bata, also known as the Bata fish or the Indian carp, is a freshwater fish species found in rivers, streams, and lakes across South Asia, including India, Nepal, Bangladesh, and Pakistan. It is a commercially important species and is also prized as a game fish among anglers.

The Bata fish has a streamlined, torpedo-shaped body that can grow up to 60 centimeters in length. Its body is covered in small, silvery scales, and it has a forked tail and a small mouth with two pairs of barbels. The Bata fish is primarily herbivorous, feeding on aquatic vegetation, algae, and other plant matter.

In the wild, the Bata fish is found in clear, fast-flowing rivers and streams with rocky or sandy bottoms. It is a hardy species that can tolerate a wide range of water conditions, although it prefers slightly alkaline water with a pH of around 7.5 to 8.5.

Serial No.CharacteristicsDescription
1Common nameLabeo Bata
2Scientific nameLabeo bata
3ColourDark grey or olive-green on the back, lighter on the sides and white on the belly
4Average length in m0.3 – 0.5 m
5Average weight in kgs2 – 4 kg
6Found in river systems of IndiaGanges, Brahmaputra, and Mahanadi
7HabitatLabeo Bata is found in freshwater rivers and streams, particularly in areas with moderate to fast currents and rocky bottoms
8Special characteristicsLabeo Bata has a broad head with large eyes, a small mouth and a single pair of long barbels. It is an important game fish and is also cultivated commercially in some areas.


Labeo bata, also known as the Bata fish, is a species of freshwater fish that is found in the rivers and streams of South and Southeast Asia. The Labeo bata fish has an elongated body with a pointed head and small eyes. Its dorsal fin is located near the center of its body, and its anal fin is located toward the back. The body is typically silver or grayish in color with a slightly darker back, and it has a series of small scales covering its body.

The average size of Labeo bata fish is around 20-25 cm in length, with a maximum reported length of up to 40 cm. The weight of the fish can vary depending on its size and age, but the average weight of a fully grown Labeo bata fish is around 1-2 kg.

Labeo bata fish are known to be relatively fast swimmers, capable of swimming at speeds of up to 15-20 km/h. However, their swimming speed may vary depending on factors such as water temperature, current, and food availability.

Labeo bata fish are omnivorous, meaning they consume both plants and animals. Their diet typically consists of algae, aquatic plants, insects, crustaceans, and small fish.

Labeo bata fish are generally active during the day and rest at night. They are known to be schooling fish, meaning they prefer to swim in groups rather than alone. They are also known to be migratory, moving upstream during the monsoon season to spawn.


These fish are typically found in clear or slightly turbid waters with moderate to fast currents and a rocky or gravelly substrate. They prefer habitats with plenty of covers, such as submerged logs or rocks, where they can hide from predators or rest during the day. Labeo bata fish are known to be migratory, moving upstream during the monsoon season to spawn. They are also tolerant of a wide range of water temperatures and pH levels, but they are sensitive to pollution and habitat degradation.

River System

Labeo Bata is a freshwater fish species that is commonly found in the river systems of India. It is widely distributed and can be found in several rivers such as the Ganges, Brahmaputra, Mahanadi, Godavari, Krishna and Cauvery.

In the Ganges river system, Labeo Bata is found in various tributaries such as the Yamuna, Chambal, and Betwa rivers. In the Brahmaputra river system, it is found in the main stem and its tributaries such as the Subansiri, Siang, and Dibang rivers. In the Mahanadi river system, it is found in the Mahanadi river and its tributaries.

Threatened Status

The Labeo bata fish is considered to be a threatened species due to various factors, including habitat loss, overfishing, and pollution. The International Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN) has listed Labeo bata as “Vulnerable” on its Red List of Threatened Species.

The main threat to Labeo bata is habitat loss and degradation, which is primarily caused by human activities such as dam construction, deforestation, and urbanization. Overfishing is another major threat, as Labeo bata is a popular food fish and is also used for commercial purposes. In addition, pollution from industrial and agricultural activities can also impact the survival of Labeo bata, as these fish are sensitive to changes in water quality.

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