
Onions are one of the most commonly used vegetables in Indian cuisine. They are a versatile ingredient that can be added to almost any dish for added flavor and nutrition. Growing onions in your kitchen garden is a great way to ensure a steady supply of fresh and healthy onions all year round. With the right growing conditions and care, you can grow onions that are juicy, flavorful, and nutrient-rich.

Scientific NameAllium cepa
NutritionOnions are low in calories and high in fiber, vitamin C, and other essential nutrients. They are also rich in antioxidants, which help to protect the body from free radicals that can cause disease. Onions are also believed to have anti-inflammatory and anti-bacterial properties.
Months/Season it’s grownOnions can be grown throughout the year in India, but the best time to plant them is during the winter months. The ideal time to plant onions is between October and December when the temperatures are cool and the days are short.
Weeks it takes to growOnions require a long growing season, and it takes around 20-30 weeks for the bulbs to mature.
Harvest per plant in kgsA single onion plant can produce up to 3 to 4 onions, and the total yield can range from 2-3 kgs per square meter.

List of Varieties

There are several varieties of onions that can be grown in Indian kitchen gardens. Some of the most popular ones include Red Creole, Yellow Granex, Texas Supersweet, and White Bermuda. These varieties are known for their excellent taste, high yield, and disease resistance.

Season and Months

Onions can be grown throughout the year in India, but the best time to plant them is during the winter months. The ideal time to plant onions is between October and December when the temperatures are cool and the days are short. Onions require a long growing season, so it is important to start planting them early in the season.

Soil Conditions and Temperature Needed

Onions thrive in well-drained, fertile soil with a pH of 6.0 to 7.5. The soil should be rich in organic matter and should be kept moist but not waterlogged. Onions also require full sun exposure for at least 6 hours a day. The ideal temperature range for growing onions is between 13°C and 24°C. Temperatures above 30°C can cause the onions to bolt or go to seed.

Caring in Different Weeks

Week 1-2: After planting the onion sets, water the soil thoroughly to help them establish roots. Keep the soil moist but not waterlogged. Remove any weeds that may have sprouted.

Week 3-4: Apply a nitrogen-rich fertilizer to the soil to encourage the growth of the onion bulbs. Keep the soil moist and weed-free.

Week 5-6: As the onion bulbs begin to grow, add a phosphorus-rich fertilizer to the soil to encourage the development of strong, healthy bulbs. Continue to keep the soil moist and weed-free.

Week 7-8: Monitor the onion plants for any signs of disease or insect infestation. Apply an organic insecticide or fungicide if necessary. Continue to water the plants regularly and keep the soil weed-free.

Harvest Time

Onions are ready to harvest when the tops start to yellow and fall over. This usually occurs between 100 and 120 days after planting. To harvest, carefully pull the onions out of the soil by the tops and allow them to dry in the sun for a few days. Once the outer layer of the onion has dried, the onions can be stored in a cool, dry place for several months.

Nutrition in the Fruit

Onions are low in calories and high in fiber, vitamin C, and other essential nutrients. They are also rich in antioxidants, which help to protect the body from free radicals that can cause disease. Onions are also believed to have anti-inflammatory and anti-bacterial properties.

How much can one harvest from a small kitchen garden?

Onions are a high-yielding crop, and a small kitchen garden can produce a significant amount of onions. A single onion plant can produce up to 3 to 4 onions, and a 1 square meter garden bed can produce up to 25 to 30 onions. With proper care and management, a small kitchen garden can produce enough onions to meet the needs of a family for several months.


Growing onions in your Indian kitchen garden is a great way to ensure a steady supply of fresh, healthy, and flavorful onions. By selecting the right variety, planting at the right time, and providing the right growing conditions, you can produce a bountiful harvest.

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