Project Green Andhra Pradesh

The project of Green Andhra Pradesh is being run in Anantpur district, Andhra Pradesh. The project aims to help the farmers earn more by planting threes in the Agroforestry model. In the project, there are 20 farmers who are getting benefitted by the consulting on agroforestry trees that are growing in their lands with focus on fruit trees and timber trees.

The action will lead to farmers earning by selling fruits in 3 to 4 years of time and timber trees that will be fixing carbon and they can be harvested in a long term of 15 to 20 years. This double benefit shall help the farmers to earn more and also fix carbon in the long run.

Expected Project run time

The project shall be run for 5 years making the farmers understand about the fruits and helping them sell the fruits in the market. During this period, the technical know how for the new farmers shall be given and also how to market the fruits.

The farmers can sell the fruits as a group or individuals depending on how they choose it.

Expected outcome

Farmer income increase

Carbon fixation of at least 100 kgs per tree in a 10 year period.

Increase in the biodiversity and micro food chains due to tree plantation.

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