
Rain Tree 

The Rain tree, also known as Samanea saman, is a tall and majestic tree that is native to Central and South America. It was introduced to India in the 19th century as an ornamental tree due to its beautiful foliage and attractive flowers. Over time, the Rain tree has become a common sight in Indian cities and towns and is now an important part of the country’s urban landscape.

Tree CharacteristicsDescription
Common NameRain tree
Scientific NameAlbizia saman
Maximum height25-30 meters
Diameter of crown15-20 meters
Diameter of trunk1-1.5 meters
Years to grow5-7 years for saplings, up to 20 years
Economic benefitShade, timber, soil conservation, fodder

Physical Characteristics

The Rain tree is a large, spreading tree that can grow up to 30 meters in height with a canopy diameter of up to 50 meters. Its bark is dark brown and deeply furrowed, and its leaves are bipinnate with tiny leaflets that fold up at night or during rain, giving the tree its name. The tree produces fragrant, pinkish-white flowers that bloom in clusters, followed by seed pods that are flat and brown.

Ecological Role

The Rain tree has a vital ecological role as it provides shelter and food to a variety of birds, insects, and other animals. Its deep roots help prevent soil erosion and its large canopy provides shade, which helps keep the soil moist and cool. The tree also fixes nitrogen in the soil, making it a valuable addition to agroforestry systems.

Importance to Birds, Animals, and Insects

The Rain tree attracts a wide variety of birds, including parrots, mynahs, and bulbuls, who feed on its flowers and fruits. It also provides habitat for squirrels, bats, and insects such as bees and butterflies.

Soil Type and Climatic Conditions

The Rain tree grows well in a variety of soils, including sandy and loamy soils, but prefers well-drained soils. It thrives in hot and humid conditions and can tolerate drought once established. The tree is sensitive to frost and should be protected in cold weather.

States in India where the tree is found naturally

The Rain tree is found naturally in several states in India, including Maharashtra, Karnataka, Andhra Pradesh, Tamil Nadu, and Kerala.

Different Stages of Tree Growth

The Rain tree goes through several stages of growth, starting with a seedling that takes a few years to establish itself. As the tree matures, it produces a spreading canopy and begins to bear flowers and fruit. The tree can live for over 100 years and continues to provide benefits to the ecosystem throughout its lifespan.

Benefits of Agroforestry

Farmers can benefit from growing Rain trees as part of an agroforestry system. The tree’s nitrogen-fixing properties improve soil fertility, which can benefit crops grown alongside it. The tree’s large canopy can provide shade for livestock or crops, reducing heat stress and improving yields.


The Rain tree is a beautiful and beneficial tree that has become an integral part of India’s urban and rural landscapes. Its ecological role and benefits to birds, animals, and insects make it a valuable addition to any ecosystem, and its usefulness in agroforestry systems makes it a valuable asset to farmers. In conclusion, the Rain tree is a valuable tree species that provides numerous benefits to both the environment and farmers. It is an important part of the urban and rural landscapes in India and has become a symbol of the country’s rich biodiversity.

The Rain tree’s ability to attract a variety of birds, animals, and insects and its nitrogen-fixing properties make it an essential part of any ecosystem. Its shade-providing canopy also helps keep the soil moist and cool, reducing soil erosion and enhancing soil fertility. Additionally, the tree’s fragrant flowers and attractive foliage add to its aesthetic value.

Furthermore, farmers can benefit greatly from growing Rain trees as part of an agroforestry system. The tree’s ability to fix nitrogen in the soil helps improve soil fertility, which in turn benefits crops grown alongside it. Its shade-providing canopy can also protect crops and livestock from heat stress, leading to higher yields.

Overall, the Rain tree is an excellent addition to any landscape and agroforestry system. Its numerous benefits make it a valuable resource for both the environment and farmers, and its presence adds to the beauty and diversity of the Indian flora.

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