Sind Woodpecker: The Black and White Jewel of Indian Forests

Serial NumberCharacteristicsDescription
1Common nameSind Woodpecker
2Scientific nameDendrocopos assimilis
3ColourBlack and white
4Average length20 to 23 cm
5Average height(Vertical Length) Unknown
6Type of birdForest bird
7Found in statesSindh in Pakistan, India, southern Iran
8HabitatTropical and subtropical dry forests, riverine forests, etc.
9IUCN StatusNot evaluated

Features of the Sind Woodpecker


The Sind Woodpecker is moderately sized, with an average length of 20 to 23 cm. This length is a perfect adaptation for its life, mainly revolving around bird nesting and foraging for food in tight spaces. The size of the Sind Woodpecker also affects its bird migration patterns, although this bird is non-migratory. With a width averaging between these dimensions, it falls into the medium-size category in the birdlife sanctuary of woodpeckers.


The height of the Sind Woodpecker, if considered in a vertical upside-down position, is yet to be specifically documented. However, based on its average length, it could be inferred that its vertical length would be proportional. This bird, like any other in a bird sanctuary, has physical attributes that contribute significantly to its life in the wild.

Running Speed

While woodpeckers aren’t particularly known for their running speed, the Sind Woodpecker uses its speed for quick and agile movements through branches and trunks. This is extremely useful when they’re foraging for insects or escaping from predators. Speed is also critical during their bird flying patterns as they maneuver between trees.


The Sind Woodpecker boasts a unique color combination of black and white. This bird picture-perfect plumage not only makes it distinct but also serves as camouflage. The woodpecker’s contrasting colors are excellent for blending into the varied bird png and backgrounds of forests and scrublands.

Habitat and Food of the Bird

  1. Tropical and Subtropical Dry Forests: The Sind Woodpecker commonly resides in forests with moderate humidity.
  2. Riverine Forests: These woodpeckers can also be spotted in forests near rivers.
  3. Thorny Shrub-Lands: The Sind Woodpecker also inhabits areas with a plethora of thorny bushes.
  4. Plantations: In a bid to find food, this bird shop near me in plantations and rural gardens.
  5. Freshwater Springs and Oases: These birds are also found near freshwater sources, indicating their adaptability.

Nesting and Nurturing

The Sind Woodpecker engages in monogamous relationships, and both parents are actively involved in nurturing their young ones. The couple typically lays 3 to 5 eggs in tree holes and both parents incubate them. The chicks are ready to fledge in 20 days after hatching. After hatching, the chicks are ready to fledge in 20 days. During this period, the bird house is their first world, teaching them the essential skills for survival.


The major threat to this species is deforestation, which leads to the loss of habitat.Illegal logging and forest land conversion for agriculture or development are the primary causes. Measures need to be taken for bird conservation to ensure that this species does not come under further threat.

IUCN Status and Conservation

While the global population of the Sind Woodpecker has not yet been evaluated by the IUCN, they are considered to be locally common in most of their range. Bird shops and bird lovers need to be educated on the importance of conserving this species.


The Sind Woodpecker stands as a testament to the beauty and diversity of birdlife. Its striking black and white feathers make it an intriguing subject for bird photos and bird png. Its adaptability to various habitats is remarkable, be it tropical forests or even rural gardens near a bird shop near me. Conservation of this bird and its habitat is crucial, especially given the threats like deforestation that it faces. Whether you’re a bird lover, a nature photographer, or someone simply interested in avian birdlife, the Sind Woodpecker is a species that calls for our attention and conservation efforts. So, the next time you decide to venture into a bird sanctuary or flick through a bird image name directory, remember the Sind Woodpecker, a marvel in the realm of birds that’s absolutely worth preserving.

More info about Sind Woodpecker – Link

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