The Little Grebe: The Dabchick’s Domain

The lush bird sanctuary of the Indian subcontinent is home to a myriad of avian species, from the smallest songbirds to the grandest of eagles. Amid this diverse tapestry, the Little Grebe or the Dabchick (Tachybaptus ruficollis), a member of the grebe family, steals the spotlight with its distinct attributes. This diminutive water bird’s name originates from the Ancient Greek words ‘takhus’ meaning ‘fast’, and ‘bapto’, meaning ‘to sink under’. Its Latin-derived species epithet ‘ruficollis’ translates to ‘red-necked’. At 23 to 29 centimeters in length, the Little Grebe reigns as the smallest European member of its family. However, its common presence in open bodies of water across most of its range, including India, adds to its charm and intrigue.

Serial NumberCharacteristicsDescription
1Common nameLittle Grebe (also known as Dabchick)
2Scientific nameTachybaptus ruficollis
3ColourDark above with rufous neck, cheeks, and flanks in summer; dirty brownish grey in non-breeding season
4Average length23 to 29 cm
5Average heightSmall water bird
6Type of birdWater bird
7Found in India in statesAll over India
8HabitatOpen bodies of water
9IUCN StatusLeast Concern

Features of the Little Grebe


As the name implies, the Little Grebe is quite a small bird. This bird’s length ranges from 23 to 29 cm, making it the smallest European member of its family. Despite its diminutive size, the Little Grebe is a remarkable swimmer and diver, pursuing its fish and aquatic invertebrate prey underwater. It’s this combination of small size and great adaptability that has allowed the Little Grebe to be a common sight in birdlife sanctuaries worldwide.


Matching its length, the Little Grebe is not a tall bird. As a small water bird, it is far more suited to life in the water than on land. The bird’s size doesn’t detract from its unique appeal; in fact, the Little Grebe’s small stature makes it a fascinating sight for any bird lover.


Unlike terrestrial birds, the Little Grebe’s abilities shine in the water. Their short wings allow for rapid, whirring flight, but they are more impressive for their underwater speed. The Little Grebe can swim quickly and dive for periods of up to 15 seconds, usually reaching depths of about 4-5 meters, but possibly as much as 20 meters. These birds are an embodiment of the saying ‘size does not matter,’ proving that even the smallest creatures can be incredibly adept in their environment.

Other Features

In summer, the adult Little Grebe’s appearance is distinctive with its dark body, rufous neck, cheeks, and flanks, and bright yellow gape. This beautiful plumage makes the bird easy to identify for those with a keen eye for bird images. During non-breeding and juvenile stages, the rufous coloration is replaced by a dull, brownish grey shade in these birds. Their bills are yellow with a small black tip, which later darken with age and become fully black in adulthood.

Habitat and Food of the Little Grebe

  1. Geographical Spread : The Little Grebe is found across Europe, Africa, Asia, and parts of Australasia. In India, this bird is found all over the country, marking its presence in numerous bird sanctuaries.
  2. Habitat Preference : The Little Grebe prefers living in open bodies of water. From the small ponds to large lakes, these birds can adapt to both stagnant and slow-flowing waters.
  3. Diet : The Little Grebe primarily feeds on a diet of fish and aquatic invertebrates, which it pursues underwater. Their pointed bill is a perfect adaptation for catching and eating their slippery prey.
  4. Foraging Behaviour : Little Grebes are excellent swimmers and divers. They utilize the aquatic vegetation skillfully as a hiding place to ambush their prey.
  5. Seasonal Changes : The Little Grebe’s activities, like its feeding habits and breeding, are influenced by the availability of food resources and the specific characteristics of the season.

Nesting and Nurturing

In true accordance with being an aquatic bird, the Little Grebe nests at the water’s edge. This is due to its legs being set very far back, making walking a considerable challenge. The bird lays usually four to seven eggs. The nests are a compact heap of plant material anchored to underwater vegetation. One intriguing characteristic of the Little Grebe is its habit of covering its eggs with weeds when it leaves the nest, a clever strategy to prevent detection by predators.

Shortly after hatching, the young grebes can swim and are often seen being carried on the backs of the swimming adults, a sight that truly delights every bird lover. In India, the Little Grebe’s breeding season coincides with the rainy season.


Although the Little Grebe’s status according to the IUCN is ‘Least Concern’, it faces a number of threats. Habitat loss due to draining of wetlands for agriculture and development is one of the main threats. Water pollution from pesticides and heavy metals also negatively impacts their health and reproduction. Other threats include predation of eggs and chicks, disturbance from human recreational activities near nesting sites, and climate change which could affect their wetland habitats.

The Little Grebe, or the Dabchick as it’s fondly known, is a perfect example of the vast diversity of birdlife in our world. Its adaptation to aquatic life, its beautiful rufous summer plumage, and its clever nesting habits are all testaments to the wonders of avian evolution. Their presence in bird sanctuaries is a testament to the richness of these habitats and an indicator of their ecological health. It serves as a reminder to us all that every bird, no matter how small, contributes significantly to the intricate ecosystem of our planet. Whether you spot one during a bird migration or in a nearby bird shop, a close encounter with the Little Grebe is sure to captivate your heart. The Little Grebe’s lifestyle and survival strategies are a testament to the wonders of nature and an invitation to us to respect and protect these delicate creatures and their habitats.

IUCN Status and Conservation 

The Little Grebe, also referred to as Tachybaptus ruficollis, is currently categorized as “Least Concern” by the International Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN). This status implies that the species does not currently face immediate threats of extinction and has a relatively stable population.

However, the Little Grebe, like many other species, faces ongoing challenges due to habitat destruction and pollution. Wetland drainage for agriculture, industrial pollution, and human disturbances are among the threats that could potentially impact its population in the future.

For this reason, it’s crucial to implement conservation measures that will help to protect and conserve the habitats of the Little Grebe. These measures could include the establishment and proper management of protected areas that cover significant habitats for this species.

Furthermore, environmental education campaigns could be used to raise awareness about the importance of the Little Grebe in maintaining the health of wetland ecosystems. In this way, it is possible to involve the local communities in the conservation of this species, thus increasing the effectiveness of these measures.

In summary, while the Little Grebe currently does not face immediate extinction, ongoing conservation efforts remain crucial in ensuring this species’ survival for generations to come.

More info about Little Grebe: Link

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