
Trumpet tree 

Indian trumpet trees, also known as Tabebuia, are a common sight in the tropical and subtropical regions of India. These deciduous trees are known for their trumpet-shaped flowers and are a popular ornamental tree species in India.

Tree CharacteristicsDescription
Common NameIndian trumpet trees, Tabebuia trees
Scientific NameTabebuia spp.
Maximum HeightUp to 30 meters
Diameter of CrownSpreading crown with a round or irregular shape
Diameter of TrunkUp to 2 meters
Years to Grow20-25 years
Economic Benefit to FarmersTimber, medicinal properties, ornamental landscaping

Physical characteristics

Indian trumpet trees can grow up to a maximum height of 30 meters, with a trunk diameter of 2 meters. The tree has a spreading crown with a round or irregular shape. The bark of the tree is grayish-brown and has vertical fissures. The branches of the tree are thick and are arranged in an irregular pattern. The leaves are palmate with 5-7 leaflets, and are arranged alternately on the branches. The tree sheds its leaves during the dry season and remains leafless for a brief period.

Ecological role

Indian trumpet trees play a vital role in the ecosystem by providing a habitat for a wide range of animals and insects. The tree is known to attract various species of birds, including sunbirds, bulbuls, and mynas. These birds feed on the nectar of the flowers, and in the process, help in pollination. The tree is also home to several insect species, including bees and butterflies, which play an important role in pollination.

Importance to Birds, animals, and insects

The Indian trumpet tree is an important source of food for various bird species, as the flowers are rich in nectar. The tree also provides shelter to several species of birds, including parakeets and barbets. The tree is an important habitat for bees, which are crucial for the pollination of many other plant species.

Flower description

The flowers of the Indian trumpet tree are large, trumpet-shaped, and range in color from yellow to pink and purple. The flowers are borne in clusters at the ends of the branches and have a sweet fragrance. The flowers typically bloom in the months of February to April, during the onset of the summer season.

Can it be planted in homes ? 

Yes, Indian trumpet trees can be planted in homes as an ornamental tree. The tree prefers a warm and humid climate and can grow in a variety of soil types, including clay, loam, and sandy soil. It requires full sunlight to grow and should be planted in a location where it can receive at least six hours of direct sunlight per day.

Indian trumpet trees can be propagated through seeds or cuttings. The seeds should be soaked in water overnight before planting to increase the chances of germination. Cuttings can be taken from the branches of the tree and should be planted in well-draining soil. It is important to keep the soil moist and provide adequate sunlight for the cuttings to grow.

It is important to note that Indian trumpet trees can grow quite tall and have a spreading crown, so they should be planted in a location where they have enough space to grow. They may also shed leaves during the dry season, so it is important to keep the surrounding area clean and free of debris.

Overall, Indian trumpet trees can make a beautiful addition to a home garden, but it is important to consider the tree’s growing requirements and characteristics before planting it.

Bloom time month

The Indian trumpet tree blooms during the months of February to April, coinciding with the onset of the summer season in India. During this time, the tree is covered in a profusion of large, colorful flowers that attract a wide range of birds and insects.


In conclusion, the Indian trumpet tree is a valuable species of tree in the Indian ecosystem. The tree provides food and shelter to a variety of birds, animals, and insects, and its trumpet-shaped flowers are a delight to behold during the summer months. The tree is an important ornamental species and is widely planted in gardens and along roadsides in India. Its role in the ecosystem and its aesthetic value make it an important tree species to conserve and protect.

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