Unveiling the Mysteries of the Blue-Eared Kingfisher – A Treasure for Every Bird Lover


The Blue-eared Kingfisher (Alcedo minting) is a fascinating creature that adds vibrancy and intrigue to bird sanctuaries and birdlife sanctuaries across Southeast Asia and India. This enigmatic bird, almost identical to the common kingfisher, catches the eye with its stunning cobalt-blue upperparts and rufous underparts. A treat for any bird lover, it’s often the centerpiece in many bird photos and bird image names that adorn the pages of bird books and shops near me.

Visiting a bird sanctuary or birdlife sanctuary hosting this bird opens up opportunities to witness its remarkable hunting skills. With keen eyesight and agility, the kingfisher captures its prey, adding action to your bird picture and PNG collections. Its stunning colors are a remarkable sight, a gem for bird photos and flying shots.

Table: Quick Facts about the Blue-Eared Kingfisher

Serial NumberCharacteristicsDescription
1Common nameBlue-eared Kingfisher
2Scientific nameAlcedo meninting
3ColourCobalt-blue and Rufous
4Average length16 cm
5Average heightStands 16 cm vertically
6Type of birdForest bird
7Found in India in statesWest, Eastwards across Nepal, Bhutan, and Bangladesh
8HabitatDense evergreen forest, sometimes mangroves under 1,000m altitude
9IUCN StatusData needed

Features of the Blue-Eared Kingfisher


The Blue-eared Kingfisher measures around 16 centimeters in length, a modest size that belies its remarkable agility and beauty. For bird lovers interested in bird migration and flying, it’s crucial to note that this kingfisher is resident mainly within its range. Those who frequent bird shops or search for one nearby will find the compact size of birds ideal for photography and collecting png images.


Contrary to what the term might suggest, the height of the Blue-eared Kingfisher refers to its vertical length when standing, also around 16 cm. This information is crucial for enthusiasts maintaining birdhouses and bird nests when designing habitats. It’s not uncommon for bird lovers to seek out bird photos featuring the kingfisher’s unique vertical posture, a striking image to add to any bird’s name list.

Running Speed 

While the Blue-eared Kingfisher is not known for its running speed, its flying abilities are top-notch. Whether you’re a casual bird lover or someone deeply involved in birdlife or a bird sanctuary, the bird’s flying speed is an exciting subject of study. Its agility in capturing prey is mesmerizing, a must-have sequence in bird flying and bird picture collections.


The dazzling cobalt blue and rufous coloration of the Blue-eared Kingfisher makes it a favorite among bird lovers and photographers. Whether displayed in a bird shop or featured in a bird sanctuary, this bird is an eye-catcher. Its vibrant hues make it a popular choice for bird photos and PNG files that add a touch of brilliance to any bird image name catalog.

Habitat and Food of the Bird 

  1. Birdlife Sanctuary Habitat:  The Blue-eared Kingfisher is a resident bird in birdlife sanctuaries across India, Nepal, and Southeast Asia.
  1. Diet: This kingfisher’skingfisher’s diet mainly consists of crustaceans, dragonfly larvae, and fish.
  1. Bird Nest:  The Blue-eared Kingfisher prefers to nest in tunnels near forest streams.
  1. Bird Migration: While it doesn’t migrate, seasonal movements within its range are observed.
  1. Bird Sanctuary: A visit to a bird sanctuary or birdlife sanctuary featuring this bird is a must for any bird lover interested in birdlife.

Nesting and Nurturing 

In bird nests near forest streams, the Blue-eared Kingfisher lays approximately five to seven spherical eggs. This information is vital for planning nurturing spaces for bird lovers who manage birdhouses. A great addition to any bird sanctuary, this kingfisher breeds mainly in May and June in northern India.

Threats, IUCN Status, and Conservation 

This species is yet to be comprehensively assessed by the IUCN. However, threats like habitat loss impact the bird’sbird’s population, making conservation efforts in bird sanctuaries and birdlife sanctuaries critical. Supporting these sanctuaries is essential for bird lovers who care about bird migration and bird nests.


The Blue-eared Kingfisher is a marvel in the bird kingdom, capturing the hearts and cameras of bird lovers worldwide. Its dazzling colors and remarkable agility make it a treasure in any bird or birdlife sanctuary. This kingfisher offers endless fascination and beauty for those who adore bird flying, bird nests, and bird houses. Visiting a sanctuary hosting this magnificent bird is essential for anyone who cherishes birdlife.

More info about Blue-eared Kingfisher – link

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