Koklass Pheasant

The Koklass Pheasant is a game bird that is found in the Himalayas and can be commonly seen in many states. They are very beautiful and lovely to watch. Having an important role in the food chain and forest areas of Himalayas, their survival and expansion is needed for a healthy earth. 


The Koklass Pheasant (Pucrasia macrolopha) is a bird species native to the high-altitude forests of the Himalayan region, including India. The ancestors of the Koklass Pheasant are believed to have originated in the forests of central and eastern Asia, and over time, they gradually spread across the Himalayan region.

The exact mechanism by which the Koklass Pheasant reached India is unclear, but it is likely that the species gradually expanded its range southward over many thousands of years. The Himalayan region is known for its high biodiversity, and many bird and animal species have evolved and diversified in this region due to its unique geography and climatic conditions.

Distribution and Population

The Koklass Pheasant (Pucrasia macrolopha) is a species of bird found in the mountainous regions of the Indian subcontinent, including India, Pakistan, Nepal, and Bhutan. In India, the bird is found in the states of Jammu and Kashmir, Himachal Pradesh, Uttarakhand, Sikkim, and Arunachal Pradesh.

The distribution of the Koklass Pheasant in India is largely restricted to the Himalayan mountain ranges, including the Pir Panjal, Dhauladhar, and Great Himalayan ranges. The bird prefers dense forests with thick undergrowth, especially in the vicinity of streams and water sources.

The population of Koklass Pheasant in India is difficult to estimate accurately, as the bird is elusive and shy, and is usually found in remote and difficult-to-reach areas. However, it is estimated that the total population of the species in India is around 10,000 to 15,000 individuals.



The Koklass Pheasant is a medium-sized bird, with a length of around 58-66 cm and a weight of 700-1100 grams. The male and female have different appearances, with the male being more brightly coloured and having a more elaborate plumage. The male has a dark brown or blackish-brown head with a distinctive metallic green crown, a white neck ring, and a white stripe running from the throat to the sides of the breast. The upperparts of the male are greyish-brown with black bars, and the tail feathers are a rusty-brown colour. The female, on the other hand, is more cryptically coloured, with a buff-brown head, a gray-brown back with dark barring, and a whitish underbody with dark streaks.


The Koklass Pheasant generally lives a solitary lifestyle, although pairs may form during the breeding season. Breeding occurs from April to August, and the female lays a clutch of 6-10 eggs in a shallow scrape on the ground, which she incubates for around 28 days. The chicks are precocial, meaning they are able to walk and feed themselves shortly after hatching. They are usually able to fly at around 10-12 weeks of age, and reach maturity at around one year old.

Food Habits

Koklass Pheasants are omnivorous, feeding on a wide variety of foods such as seeds, insects, berries, and small mammals. They prefer to inhabit dense forests with thick undergrowth, especially in the vicinity of streams and water sources, although they have also been known to venture into open areas such as grasslands and agricultural fields.


The Koklass Pheasant is adapted to the cold, high-altitude environments of the Himalayas, and is generally found at elevations between 1500 and 4500 meters. They are able to tolerate a wide range of weather conditions, although they prefer areas with moderate temperatures and abundant rainfall.

Vulnerable Species

The koklass pheasant (Pucrasia macrolopha) is classified as least concern according to the International Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN).

The koklass pheasant is vulnerable for a variety of reasons, including habitat loss and degradation due to human activities, hunting, and the introduction of non-native species. In many areas, the bird’s habitat has been converted to agricultural land, and forests have been logged, causing a reduction in suitable habitats. Hunting also remains a threat, as the species is often hunted for meat and its feathers.

Climate change is another potential threat, as it may alter the bird’s habitat and affect its ability to find suitable food sources. Finally, the introduction of non-native species, such as dogs and cats, can also pose a threat, as these animals may prey on the koklass pheasant or compete with it for resources.

Protected Areas

India has several protected areas where the Koklass Pheasant can be found, and where conservation measures are in place to protect its habitat. Some of the protected areas in India where the Koklass Pheasant occurs include:

Great Himalayan National Park, Himachal Pradesh: The Great Himalayan National Park is home to a diverse range of flora and fauna, including the Koklass Pheasant. The park is situated in the western Himalayas and covers an area of around 1,171 square kilometers.

Kedarnath Wildlife Sanctuary, Uttarakhand: The Kedarnath Wildlife Sanctuary is located in the state of Uttarakhand and covers an area of around 975 square kilometers. The sanctuary is home to a variety of endangered and threatened species, including the Koklass Pheasant.

Dibang Wildlife Sanctuary, Arunachal Pradesh: The Dibang Wildlife Sanctuary is located in the northeastern state of Arunachal Pradesh and covers an area of around 4,149 square kilometers. The sanctuary is home to several endangered and vulnerable species, including the Koklass Pheasant.

Namdapha National Park, Arunachal Pradesh: The Namdapha National Park is located in the eastern Himalayas and covers an area of around 1,985 square kilometers. The park is home to a diverse range of flora and fauna, including the Koklass Pheasant.

These protected areas play an important role in conserving the Koklass Pheasant and its habitat. Conservation measures in these areas include habitat restoration, anti-poaching patrols,

Conservation of the Species

 Protecting and conserving their natural habitats is one of the most effective ways to ensure the survival of these species. This can be achieved through the creation and management of protected areas, such as national parks and wildlife reserves, and the restoration of degraded habitats. 

Illegal hunting and poaching of these species is a major threat to their survival. Effective anti-poaching measures, such as increased patrols, community-based monitoring programs, and strong enforcement of wildlife laws, can help to reduce this threat. 

Raising public awareness about the importance of these species and their conservation can help to reduce the demand for their products, such as fur and body parts, and reduce human-wildlife conflict. 

Education and awareness programs aimed at local communities and hunters can also help to reduce the illegal hunting of these species. 

Gathering more information about these species, including their population sizes, distribution, and ecological needs can help to inform conservation efforts and improve our understanding of their conservation status. 

In some cases, conservation breeding programs may be necessary to support the recovery of populations that are at risk of extinction. This involves breeding individuals in captivity and then releasing them back into the wild, once sufficient populations have been established.

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