Pallid scops owl

In the quiet of the night, when the moon casts its ghostly glow upon the land, a mysterious creature emerges from the shadows. With piercing yellow eyes and feathers as white as the snow-capped mountains, the Pallid scops owl takes flight, soaring silently through the darkness.

Serial NumberCharacteristicDescription
1Common namePallid scops owl
2Scientific nameOtus brucei
3ColourPale grey-brown with dark streaks and spots
4Average length in cms20-25 cm
5Average height in cms25-30 cm
6Type of birdForest bird / Bird of prey / Nocturnal
7Found in India in statesFound throughout India
8HabitatForests, woodlands, and scrublands
9StatusLeast Concern

This enigmatic species, native to the forests and woodlands of Asia, is a master of stealth and cunning. Its slender body and soft feathers make it almost invisible against the night sky, and its keen senses allow it to hunt with pinpoint accuracy.


The Pallid scops owl is a small but striking bird with distinctive physical features. It measures around 18-21 centimeters (7-8.3 inches) in length and weighs between 75-130 grams (2.6-4.6 ounces), making it one of the smaller owl species.

One of its most notable physical features is its striking coloration. As its name suggests, the Pallid scops owl has a pale or whitish appearance, with soft, fluffy feathers that are often described as downy. This coloration helps it to blend in seamlessly with the bark of trees or the pale coloration of its prey, allowing it to hunt undetected.

Despite its pale appearance, the Pallid scops owl has bright yellow eyes that stand out against its white feathers, giving it a striking and somewhat otherworldly appearance.

The Pallid scops owl also has a round head with no ear tufts, giving it a distinctive look. Its beak is relatively short and hooked, ideal for tearing apart its prey, and its talons are sharp and powerful.

In terms of height, the Pallid scops owl stands around 18-21 centimeters (7-8.3 inches) tall, with a wingspan of around 45-50 centimeters (17.7-19.7 inches). Despite its small size, it is a skilled hunter, capable of taking down prey larger than itself.

Habitat and Food

The Pallid scops owl is a fascinating species that inhabits a variety of forested and wooded habitats throughout Asia. These habitats include deciduous forests, mixed forests, and even areas of scrubland and farmland.

One of the key features of the Pallid scops owl’s habitat is that it is often located near open areas, such as meadows or clearings. This is because the owl’s preferred prey, which includes small mammals such as voles and shrews, often inhabits these areas.

The Pallid scops owl is a nocturnal hunter, meaning that it is most active at night. It uses its keen sense of hearing to locate its prey and then swoops down silently from its perch to catch it with its sharp talons.

In addition to small mammals, the Pallid scops owl also preys upon insects such as grasshoppers, beetles, and moths. It may also occasionally feed on other birds, including smaller owl species.

Nesting and Nurturing

The Pallid scops owl are a fascinating species of owl that has unique nesting habits. It typically nests in tree cavities, using natural hollows or abandoned woodpecker nests as its home. The owl will sometimes also nest in man-made structures, such as birdhouses or even chimneys.

The female Pallid scops owl lays a clutch of two to four eggs in the nest, which are creamy white in color and measure around 33-38mm (1.3-1.5 inches) in length. The eggs are incubated by both the male and female for around 28-32 days until they hatch.

Once the eggs hatch, the female owl takes on the primary role of caring for the young. She will remain with the chicks in the nest, while the male hunts for food to bring back to the family.

The chicks are born with a soft, downy covering and are completely dependent on their parents for food and care. The parents will feed them regurgitated food, which may include small mammals, insects, and even other birds. As the chicks grow, their diet becomes increasingly varied, and they begin to develop their hunting skills.

The baby Pallid scops owls typically fledge, or leave the nest, around 35-45 days after hatching. However, they will continue to rely on their parents for food and protection for several more weeks as they learn to fend for themselves.

IUCN Status

The IUCN Red List of Threatened Species currently lists the Pallid scops owl as a species of “Least Concern.” This means that, based on available information, the species is not currently at risk of extinction.

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