Migratory birds are a mesmerizing and astonishing aspect of nature that never ceases to amaze us. These remarkable creatures embark on incredible odysseys, spanning thousands of miles annually, between their breeding grounds in the north and wintering grounds in the south. Their epic migrations are a testament to their remarkable adaptations and the formidable obstacles they overcome in an ever-changing world. From the tiniest songbirds to the mightiest raptors, migratory birds exhibit a vast array of shapes and sizes, and their movements are an indispensable part of numerous ecosystems worldwide.
The Siberian Crane, a majestic bird with feathers as white as snow, roams the vast landscapes of Asia, from the tundras of Russia to the wetlands of India. Its impressive wingspan is a sight to behold as it gracefully glides through the air, its honking call echoing through the tranquil surroundings. This magnificent creature is not only a symbol of beauty but also of resilience, as it braves the harsh winters of its homeland and embarks on long migratory journeys in search of food and warmth. The Siberian Crane is a testament to the remarkable diversity and wonders of our natural world, and its presence is a reminder of the urgent need to protect and preserve our precious ecosystems.
Bird Characteristic | Description |
Common Name | Siberian Crane |
Scientific Name | Leucogeranus leucogeranus |
Colour(s) | White plumage with black primary feathers |
Average Length | 140-160 cm |
Average Height | 175-210 cm |
Weight | 4.5-6.5 kg |
Type of Bird | Wetlands |
Origin Country(ies) | Russia, China |
Month it comes to India | October |
Location in India | Keoladeo National Park, Bharatpur, Rajasthan |
IUCN status | Critically Endangered |
The Siberian crane is one of the largest crane species in the world, and it has a distinctive appearance. Its body is mainly white, with black primary feathers and a black patch on the crown. Its face is red, with a white patch on the sides, and it has a long, thin bill. Its legs and feet are black, and it has a distinctive red patch on the back of its head. The Siberian crane stands at a height of about 1.2 to 1.4 meters (4 to 4.5 feet). They weigh around 4.5 to 6.5 kilograms (10 to 14 pounds). The wingspan can reach up to 2.4 to 2.8 meters (8 to 9 feet). The body length is around 1.4 to 1.6 meters (4.5 to 5.2 feet).

Habitat and Food

The Siberian crane, also known as the Siberian white crane, is a migratory bird species that inhabits a range of wetland habitats during different stages of its annual cycle. During the breeding season, Siberian cranes prefer to nest in wetlands with shallow water, tall vegetation, and an abundance of food sources such as aquatic plants, fish, and invertebrates. These wetlands may be located in taiga forests, tundra, or even in the middle of arid steppes.
During the non-breeding season, Siberian cranes migrate to warmer regions, where they can find suitable wetland habitats with ample food resources. They may overwinter in a variety of wetland habitats such as rivers, lakes, marshes, flooded fields, and coastal wetlands. These wetlands must provide enough food to sustain the cranes during the winter months when food sources may be scarce.
The Siberian crane’s diet primarily consists of plant material such as aquatic plants, roots, and tubers. They also consume small animals such as fish, amphibians, insects, and invertebrates. The cranes use their long beaks to probe the mud and water for food and are able to detect prey through touch and vibrations.

The Siberian crane is a migratory bird species that travels long distances to reach its wintering grounds in India. The cranes breed in the wetlands of eastern Siberia, primarily in the Yakutia and Chukotka regions, during the months of May to August. After the breeding season, the cranes undertake a long-distance migration to reach their wintering grounds in India.
The Siberian cranes typically arrive in India during the months of October to March, with the peak migration occurring in December and January. They migrate from their breeding grounds in eastern Siberia and fly over the Himalayas to reach their wintering grounds in India. They travel along the Central Asian Flyway, a migration route that stretches from the Arctic region in Russia to the Indian Ocean.
In India, the Siberian cranes primarily visit the Keoladeo National Park in Bharatpur, Rajasthan, which is a protected wetland habitat. They also visit other wetland habitats in states such as Gujarat, Haryana, and Uttar Pradesh. The purpose of their visit to India is primarily to overwinter, as the wetlands in India provide a suitable habitat with ample food resources for the cranes.
During their stay in India, the Siberian cranes feed on a variety of food sources such as aquatic plants, insects, fish, and small mammals. They also use the wetlands for resting and roosting, as they require a safe and secure habitat to rest during the winter months.
The Siberian cranes typically start their return migration back to their breeding grounds in eastern Siberia during the months of March and April, before the onset of the breeding season. The migration back to their breeding grounds is also a long and arduous journey, as they have to fly back over the Himalayas and cover a distance of several thousand kilometers.
IUCN Status

The Siberian crane (Leucogeranus leucogeranus) is listed as a critically endangered species on the IUCN Red List. The population of Siberian cranes has declined significantly over the years due to habitat loss, degradation, and hunting. The primary breeding range of the Siberian crane is located in eastern Siberia, which is under threat from human activities such as mining, logging, and oil and gas exploration. In addition, the wetlands that the Siberian crane relies on during its migration and wintering periods are being drained, polluted, and converted for agriculture or urban development.
Conservation efforts are underway to protect the Siberian crane, including habitat restoration, captive breeding, and monitoring of migration patterns. Several international agreements, such as the Convention on Migratory Species and the East Asian-Australasian Flyway Partnership, also aim to conserve the Siberian crane and its habitat. The conservation of the Siberian crane is crucial not only for the survival of the species but also for the preservation of wetland ecosystems and the biodiversity they support.