The Indian Peafowl, with its flamboyant feathers and regal stance, is a creature that demands attention. From afar, its majestic plumage shimmers and glimmers in the sun like a thousand precious gems sewn onto a cloak of deep sapphire blue. As it struts about, the Indian Peafowl’s feathers fan out in a spectacular display, revealing an intricate pattern of iridescent greens, blues, and purples that seem to dance with the light. But beyond its stunning appearance lies a complex and fascinating creature.
Serial Number | Characteristic | Description |
1 | Common Name | Indian Peafowl |
2 | Scientific Name | Pavo cristatus |
3 | Colour | Blue and green with iridescent plumage, distinctive long and colorful tail feathers |
4 | Average Length (cm) | 100-115 |
5 | Average Height (cm) | 100-125 |
6 | Type of Bird | Ground bird |
7 | Found in India in States | Throughout India |
8 | Habitat | Forests, agricultural lands, gardens, and other open areas |
9 | Status | Least Concern |
The Indian Peafowl is a stunningly beautiful bird, with a range of physical features that make it instantly recognizable. Standing tall and proud, it has a long, slender neck and a small, triangular head that seems almost insignificant compared to the impressive display of feathers that adorns its body.
Perhaps the most striking feature of the Indian Peafowl is its plumage, which is both vibrant and intricate. The male’s feathers are a dazzling mix of deep blues, greens, and purples, with a bright, iridescent sheen that seems to change with the light. Each feather is adorned with a series of intricate “eyes,” each one a unique and intricate design that adds to the bird’s overall beauty.

In terms of size, the Indian Peafowl is a large bird, standing up to 5 feet tall and weighing as much as 13 pounds. The male is slightly larger than the female, with a longer, more impressive tail that can reach up to 6 feet in length. The female, by contrast, has a shorter tail and less flamboyant feathers, but is still a striking and beautiful bird in her own right.
Despite its size and impressive feathers, the Indian Peafowl is a graceful and agile creature. It has long, slender legs and powerful feet that enable it to move quickly and easily across the ground. And when it takes flight, it reveals a stunning array of feathers that seem to shimmer and glow in the sunlight, making it one of the most captivating and beautiful birds in the world.
Habitat and Food
The Indian Peafowl is a bird that is native to South Asia, where it can be found in a wide variety of habitats, including forests, grasslands, and even near human settlements. In the wild, Indian Peafowls typically live in small groups, or “musterings,” consisting of several females and one dominant male.

As far as eating habits are concerned, the Indian Peafowl is an omnivore that feeds on a variety of plant and animal matter. Its diet consists mainly of fruits, berries, seeds, and insects, but it has been known to eat small rodents, snakes, and even other birds. Indian Peafowls are also attracted to cultivated crops, such as grains and vegetables, which can sometimes bring them into conflict with human populations.
When feeding, Indian Peafowls use their long, curved beaks to pluck food from the ground or to catch insects in the air. They have a keen sense of sight and can detect even the slightest movement or rustle of leaves, which helps them to locate prey or forage for food.

In addition to their diet, Indian Peafowls also require access to clean water for drinking and bathing. They are known to be fond of shallow pools and ponds, where they can splash around and preen their feathers.
Nesting and Nurturing
The Indian Peafowl’s nesting habits are unique and fascinating. During mating season, the male Indian Peafowl will perform an elaborate courtship display to attract a mate. Once a female is selected, the pair will work together to build a nest in a secluded area, such as tall grass or bushes.
The female Indian Peafowl will lay a clutch of around 4-6 eggs, which are a light brown color with small speckles. The eggs are relatively large, about 2-3 inches in length, and are laid over a period of several days. Once all the eggs have been laid, the female will begin to incubate them, using her body heat to keep them warm.

It takes about 28-30 days for the eggs to hatch, during which time the female will remain on the nest, only leaving briefly to feed and drink. When the chicks emerge from the eggs, they are covered in soft down feathers and are completely dependent on their parents for food and protection.
The baby Indian Peafowls, called peachicks, are cared for by both parents. They are able to walk and move around on their own within hours of hatching, but they will stay close to the nest for several weeks until they are strong enough to venture further afield.
The male Indian Peafowl plays an important role in the care of the young, using his impressive feathers to provide shade and protection from the elements. He will also help to feed the chicks, bringing them insects and other small prey to eat.
IUCN Status

The IUCN Red List of Threatened Species lists the Indian Peafowl, as being of Least Concern. This means that the population of Indian Peafowl is considered stable and not currently facing significant threats or declines.
However, it should be noted that local declines in some areas have been observed, particularly due to habitat loss and degradation, hunting, and capture for the pet trade. Additionally, the species may be affected by climate change and other environmental factors in the long term.