
Alocasia Elephant Ear

“Planting a garden is believing in tomorrow.” – Audrey Hepburn

If you’re looking for a plant that is as captivating as it is unique, look no further than the Alocasia Elephant Ear. This spectacular indoor plant, with its large, heart-shaped leaves, is an absolute showstopper. Native to Southeast Asia, it offers a dramatic touch to any indoor environment with its impressive foliage and architectural beauty.

The sight of the Alocasia Elephant Ear is truly something to behold. Its leaves, reminiscent of an elephant’s ear (as its name suggests), are large, shiny, and dark green. They are beautifully contrasted by the plant’s light-coloured veins, offering a captivating sight that draws the eye and enhances any room’s aesthetic appeal.

This plant is considered a foliage plant, given its impressive, large leaves that make it an excellent candidate for adding greenery and an exotic touch to indoor spaces. With the Alocasia Elephant Ear, you will introduce an element of the tropical jungle into your home, showcasing its beauty and infusing your space with a vibrant, lush feeling.


Common NameAlocasia Elephant Ear
Scientific NameAlocasia macrorrhizos
OriginSoutheast Asia
Leaves ColourDeep Green with Light-Coloured Veins
SunlightBright, indirect light
Soil TypeWell-draining, rich, moist soil
Water RequirementsRegular watering, prefers moist soil
Maximum HeightUp to 15 feet in natural environment

The Alocasia Elephant Ear, with its striking leaves and elegant structure, truly stands out as an indoor plant. It loves bright, indirect sunlight, and thrives in a well-draining, rich, and moist soil environment. It’s important to note that while this plant can reach significant heights in its natural habitat, it stays more compact when grown indoors.

Plant Care

Sunlight Need

Alocasia Elephant Ear prefers bright, indirect light. Too much direct sunlight can burn its leaves, while too little light can lead to leggy growth and loss of color.

Water Need

Keep the soil of the plant consistently moist, but not waterlogged. Overwatering can lead to root rot and other fungal diseases.

Soil Type

A rich, well-draining soil is essential for this plant. A mixture of peat, perlite, and potting soil can create an ideal environment.


Repot every 2-3 years, or when the plant has outgrown its current container. Spring is an ideal time to repot this plant.

Common Problems and Remedies

While the Alocasia Elephant Ear is relatively hardy, there are a few problems that can arise.


Spider mites and aphids can be a problem for the Alocasia Elephant Ear. If pests are present, treat the plant with a natural insecticide or a mixture of soapy water.

Leaf Yellowing

If leaves start to yellow, it can indicate overwatering. Adjust your watering schedule accordingly, and make sure your pot has adequate drainage.

Drooping Leaves

If the plant’s leaves begin to droop, it could be a sign of underwatering or low humidity. Ensure your plant is getting enough water, and consider using a humidifier to increase humidity levels.

Best Places for Plant Decor in Home

On the Dining Table

The Alocasia Elephant Ear, with its striking leaves, can serve as an excellent centrepiece on a dining table, adding a touch of elegance and sophistication.

Office Lobby

The plant’s dramatic presence can make a strong impression in an office lobby, offering a warm welcome to visitors and enhancing the space’s overall aesthetic.

Beside the Sofa

The Alocasia Elephant Ear is perfect for positioning next to a sofa, where its impressive size and striking foliage can be fully appreciated.

The Alocasia Elephant Ear is undoubtedly an exciting addition to any indoor garden or interior decoration scheme. It brings an exotic, tropical vibe into your space and serves as a real conversation starter thanks to its unique appearance.

Not only does this plant enhance your indoor aesthetic, but it also offers an opportunity to engage in the rewarding practice of indoor gardening. 

Whether it’s placed as a centrepiece on your dining table, making a statement in an office lobby, or enhancing your living room’s atmosphere beside the sofa, the Alocasia Elephant Ear is a sight to behold. Its large, heart-shaped leaves add life and vibrancy to any space, making your indoor environment feel like a lush, tropical oasis.

Finally, the care and attention this plant requires can be a valuable practice in mindfulness, fostering a deeper connection with nature and promoting overall well-being. 

So, whether you’re a seasoned indoor gardener or just starting on your planting indoors journey, consider adding the Alocasia Elephant Ear to your indoor plant collection. Its lush, tropical aesthetic and unique structure are sure to impress.

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