Asian Paradise Flycatcher 

India is a diverse country, home to a vast array of bird species that are both unique and magnificent. With a variety of habitats, including forests, wetlands, grasslands, and deserts, the country provides a habitat for over 1300 species of birds. India is famous for its endemic bird species like Indian Peafowl, Indian Roller, Indian Pitta, and Indian Paradise Flycatcher, among many others. Some of the rare and endangered species of birds found in India are the Great Indian Bustard, Siberian Crane, and White-Bellied Heron. The country also boasts of several bird sanctuaries and national parks, including the Keoladeo National Park, Bharatpur, and the Thattekad Bird Sanctuary, where one can witness the beauty of these winged creatures in their natural habitats. Whether you are a seasoned birdwatcher or a casual observer, India is a perfect destination to indulge in the beauty of the diverse avian species.

The Asian Paradise Flycatcher, with its flowing white tail feathers and shimmering blue-black body, is a true vision of ethereal beauty. In the dense jungles of Asia, this avian wonder flits through the trees with graceful movements, like a delicate ballet dancer on the forest floor.

The Asian Paradise Flycatcher is not just a sight to behold, however. It is also a master of the hunt, swooping down from the trees to capture insects in mid-flight with effortless precision. Its agility and speed are a testament to its skill as a hunter, and it is a formidable predator despite its delicate appearance.

Serial NumberCharacteristicsDescription
1Common nameAsian Paradise Flycatcher
2Scientific nameTerpsiphone paradisi
3ColourMales have long white tail streamers, black head, and chestnut body while females have a shorter tail, greyish head, and rufous upperparts
4Average length20-22 cm
5Average height7-9 cm
6Type of birdForest bird
7Found in India in statesThroughout India, except for the arid regions of northwest India
8HabitatDeciduous and evergreen forests, wooded areas, gardens, and parks
9StatusLeast Concern


The Asian Paradise Flycatcher is a bird species found in various parts of Asia, including India, Southeast Asia, and certain regions of China.

The male Asian Paradise Flycatcher boasts an elongated and graceful tail that can be up to twice the length of its body. Its wings are broad and rounded, and it has a small, curved bill. The male’s plumage is predominantly white, with a black mask encircling its eyes and a black throat. The female Asian Paradise Flycatcher has a shorter tail and less prominent mask and throat feathers than the male. Its wings are also less rounded, and it possesses a small, curved bill like the male. The female bird’s plumage varies based on its subspecies, but it is generally a combination of rufous, brown, and white feathers. The bird is mostly white, with black feathers around the eyes and throat.

The Asian Paradise Flycatcher typically measures around 19-21 cm (7.5-8.3 inches) in height and total length ranges from approximately 19 to 25 cm (7.5-9.8 inches).

Habitat and Food

The Asian Paradise Flycatcher is commonly found in forested areas, including deciduous and evergreen forests, as well as gardens and parks with plenty of trees. It prefers areas with tall trees and dense foliage where it can hunt insects and build its nest. During the breeding season, it can also be found in open woodlands and scrublands.

The Asian Paradise Flycatcher is an insectivore, meaning it primarily feeds on insects. Its diet includes a wide variety of insects, such as flies, beetles, ants, moths, and termites. It hunts for insects by flying from a perch and catching them in mid-air, or by darting from one perch to another in pursuit of its prey. It may also hover over foliage to catch insects on the wing. The flycatcher is known to be an active and agile hunter, capable of catching insects in flight with great precision.

Nesting and Nurturing

The Asian Paradise flycatcher are a bird species that typically nest in trees. They build their nests by weaving together twigs, leaves, and other plant materials, usually in the fork of a branch. The nests are often built in the canopy of trees and are difficult to spot.

The female Asian Paradise flycatcher lays between 2 to 4 eggs, which are typically a pale blue-green color. The eggs are relatively small, with an average size of about 1 inch (2.5 cm) in length.

The eggs take approximately 12 to 14 days to hatch, and the chicks are born naked and helpless. The female bird primarily takes care of the chicks, while the male is responsible for bringing food to the nest. The parents feed their young a diet of insects, small reptiles, and other invertebrates.

The chicks fledge from the nest after approximately 16 to 18 days, but they remain dependent on their parents for food for several more weeks. The fledglings are initially unable to fly and are therefore vulnerable to predators. The parents continue to care for their young until they are able to fend for themselves.

IUCN Status

The Asian Paradise Flycatcher is classified as a species of least concern by the International Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN). This means that the population of the species is considered to be stable and not currently facing any major threats or declines. However, like all wildlife, the species is still susceptible to habitat loss, hunting, and other forms of human disturbance. Conservation efforts, such as protecting their natural habitats and regulating hunting, can help ensure that the species remains abundant in the wild.

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