In the bustling waters off the Indian coast, there roams a creature both strange and wondrous – the Bombay Duck Lizardfish. With its sleek and slender body, adorned in shimmering scales of silver and blue, this fish is a true marvel of the sea.
But don’t be fooled by its name – this “duck” is no bird, but a creature of the water, graceful in its movements and deadly in its strikes. With razor-sharp teeth and lightning-fast reflexes, it preys upon smaller fish and crustaceans, making it a fearsome predator in its underwater realm.
Fish Characteristic | Bombay Duck Lizardfish |
Common Name | Bombay Duck lizardfish |
Scientific Name | Harpadon nehereus |
Colour (s) | Brownish-grey |
Average Length | Up to 30 cm |
Average Weight | Up to 250 g |
Which coastal waters its found ? | Along the west coast of India, particularly in the waters off the coast of Mumbai |
The Bombay Duck Lizardfish, a fascinating creature found in the waters of India, boasts a unique set of physical characteristics that set it apart from other fish in the region.

This fish has an elongated and slender body, reaching up to 40 centimeters in length. Its head is small and narrow, with a large mouth filled with sharp teeth perfectly adapted for catching prey. The body is covered in scales, and its coloration can vary from brown to greenish-grey, depending on its environment. It has two dorsal fins, the first of which is taller and spiny, while the second is softer and longer. The caudal fin is large and fan-shaped, providing excellent propulsion through the water.
Despite its somewhat awkward appearance, the Bombay Duck Lizardfish is a speedy swimmer, capable of reaching speeds of up to 20 miles per hour. It uses its powerful fins to dart through the water in search of small fish, crustaceans, and other prey.
Habitat and Food
The Bombay Duck Lizardfish, a species commonly found in the waters of India, prefers to live in sandy and muddy areas near the shore, typically at depths ranging from 10 to 50 meters.

These fish are primarily nocturnal predators, feeding on small fish, crustaceans, and other invertebrates that dwell on the sea floor. They use their sharp teeth to seize their prey and swallow it whole, using their powerful jaws to crush any hard shells or exoskeletons.
The Bombay Duck Lizardfish is known for its unique feeding behavior, where it can inflate its stomach with air and float to the surface, allowing it to capture small fish and plankton that are swimming near the surface.
IUCN Status
As for its conservation status, according to the International Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN), the Bombay duck lizardfish is currently listed as “Near Threatened” (NT). This means that while the population of this species is not yet in danger of extinction, it is considered to be at risk of becoming threatened in the near future if conservation measures are not taken to address the various threats it faces.

Some of the main threats to the Bombay duck lizardfish include overfishing, habitat degradation, and pollution. The species is heavily targeted in some areas for its meat and is also caught incidentally as bycatch in various fishing gear. Conservation efforts are necessary to reduce the impact of these threats and ensure the long-term survival of the species.