Collared Scops Owl

The Collared Scops Owl, with its bewitching aura, is a nocturnal marvel that enchants with its hypnotic presence. Cloaked in a captivating shade of dark grey with a distinct collar of feathers around its neck, this elusive creature is a master of disguise in the shadows of the night.

With keen eyesight and acute hearing, the Collared Scops Owl is a skilled hunter, silently stalking its prey before swooping in for the kill with remarkable precision. Its piercing gaze seems to hold the secrets of the night, as if it were privy to the nocturnal musings of the moon and stars.

Serial NumberCharacteristicDescription
1Common NameCollared Scops Owl
2Scientific NameOtus lettia
3ColourGrey-brown with a distinctive collar of feathers around the neck
4Average Length (cm)23-25
5Average Height (cm)20-22
6Type of BirdNocturnal bird of prey
7Found in India in StatesThroughout India, except in the higher Himalayas and the northeastern regions
8HabitatForests, woodland, parks and gardens, urban areas
9StatusLeast Concern


The Collared Scops Owl is a medium-sized owl species that boasts distinct physical features. It stands at approximately 19-23 cm in height, with a wingspan of 50-60 cm. Its body is slender and compact, with a small head that is disproportionately larger than its body.

The owl’s colouration is primarily a blend of grey, brown and black, with a distinctive collar of feathers around its neck that gives it its name. The collar consists of a black and white band that contrasts sharply with the rest of its body, creating a striking visual effect. The feathers on its head are marked with white spots, while its facial disc is a pale grey colour, surrounded by a dark border.

One of the most notable physical features of the Collared Scops Owl is its large, expressive eyes. These are a bright yellow colour, with black pupils that seem to glow in the dark. The owl’s beak is short and curved, with sharp talons that are ideal for catching prey.

In terms of size, the Collared Scops Owl is relatively small compared to other owl species. However, what it lacks in size, it makes up for in its captivating physical features, making it a striking bird to behold in the wild.

Habitat and Food

The Collared Scops Owl is a widespread species that can be found in a variety of habitats across Asia. It is commonly found in forests, woodlands, and scrubland, as well as urban areas with suitable nesting sites. The owl is known to be a migratory bird, with some populations moving to warmer regions during the winter months.

In terms of eating habits, the Collared Scops Owl is a carnivorous predator that primarily feeds on small rodents, insects, and other small prey. It is a skilled hunter that uses its keen eyesight and acute hearing to locate prey, before swooping down with its sharp talons to capture it.

The owl is a nocturnal hunter, which means it is most active during the night when its prey is also active. It is known to roost in tree cavities during the day, where it can remain hidden from predators and potential threats.

While the Collared Scops Owl may be a relatively small species of owl, its hunting skills and adaptable nature have allowed it to thrive in a wide range of habitats across Asia. Its presence in these habitats also plays a crucial role in maintaining the balance of the ecosystem, as it helps to control populations of small prey species.

Nesting and Nurturing

The Collared Scops Owl is known to be a solitary bird that prefers to live and hunt alone. During the breeding season, however, it seeks out a suitable mate and establishes a nesting site.

The Collared Scops Owl lays a clutch of two to four white eggs in a tree cavity or in a disused nest of another bird. The eggs are round and measure approximately 32mm in size. The female is responsible for incubating the eggs, which takes around 24 to 25 days. During this time, the male is tasked with providing food for the female and protecting the nest.

Once the eggs hatch, the female remains with the chicks, while the male continues to hunt for food. The chicks are born naked and helpless, with closed eyes, and they rely entirely on their parents for warmth, protection, and nourishment. The female feeds the chicks regurgitated food, while the male continues to provide food for the family.

After approximately 30 to 35 days, the chicks are able to leave the nest and begin to learn how to fly. However, the parents continue to care for their young, providing them with food and protection for several more weeks until they are fully independent.

IUCN Status

The Collared Scops Owl is classified as a species of “Least Concern” on the IUCN Red List of Threatened Species. This means that while the species may face some threats in certain areas, its population is considered stable and not at significant risk of extinction. However, like many bird species, the Collared Scops Owl may face habitat loss and degradation due to human activities such as deforestation, which could impact its long-term survival. Conservation efforts such as habitat restoration and protection of nesting sites can help to ensure the continued success of this fascinating owl species.

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