Common grey hornbill

In the dense canopy of the Indian forests, a feathered sentinel stands guard, its charcoal grey plumage blending seamlessly with the bark of the trees. This is the common grey hornbill, a species of bird whose stately demeanor and commanding presence make it a true king of the jungle.

With its distinctive curved beak and regal crest of feathers, the common grey hornbill cuts an imposing figure as it surveys its domain from high in the treetops. Its piercing gaze scans the forest floor below, watching for any signs of movement that might indicate prey.

Serial NumberCharacteristicsDescription
1Common nameCommon Grey Hornbill
2Scientific nameOcyceros birostris
3ColourGrey upperparts, white underparts, black wings and tail with white markings
4Average length61-66 cm
5Average height24-27 cm
6Type of birdForest
7Found in India in statesFound throughout India except for the higher altitudes of the Himalayas
8HabitatDeciduous and evergreen forests, wooded savannas, and urban areas with trees
9StatusLeast Concern


The common grey hornbill is a medium-sized bird, with an average height of about 50 centimeters (20 inches) from the tip of its beak to the end of its tail. It has a distinctive shape, with a large curved beak that can measure up to 10 centimeters (4 inches) long in males and slightly shorter in females.

Its plumage is predominantly a slate-grey color, with a darker shade on its wings and tail. The head is adorned with a striking crest of white-tipped feathers, which stands erect when the bird is alert or agitated. The eyes are large and dark, set in a ring of bare skin around the eye socket that can be a bluish-grey color.

When in flight, the common grey hornbill reveals a flash of vibrant red feathers on the underside of its wings. This bright coloration is caused by the presence of carotenoid pigments in the feathers, which are derived from the bird’s diet of fruits and insects.

Both male and female common grey hornbills are similar in appearance, although males may have a slightly larger and more curved beak. Juvenile birds have a duller plumage, with less distinct markings and a shorter crest.

Habitat and Food

The common grey hornbill is found in a variety of habitats throughout its range, which includes much of the Indian subcontinent and parts of Southeast Asia. It prefers dense forests with plenty of tree cover, but can also be found in grasslands and agricultural areas.

The bird is omnivorous, feeding on a variety of foods including fruits, insects, small reptiles, and other birds’ eggs. It is particularly fond of figs, which make up a significant portion of its diet when they are in season. It will also take advantage of human settlements and agricultural fields, feeding on crops and livestock feed.

It has a unique feeding habit, known as “tossing.” It will take a piece of fruit or other food in its beak, toss it in the air, and catch it in its mouth. This behavior is thought to help the bird swallow larger pieces of food, and may also help it break open hard shells or remove tough outer layers.

Because of its varied diet, the common grey hornbill plays an important role in maintaining the balance of its ecosystem. It helps to disperse the seeds of many different plant species, and also helps to control populations of insects and small animals.

Nesting and Nurturing

The common grey hornbill is known for its unique nesting habits. The female bird will find a hollow tree trunk or another suitable cavity, and then seal herself inside using a mixture of mud, droppings, and other materials. She leaves only a small slit for her mate to bring her food and water during the incubation period, which can last for up to two months.

During this time, the female will lay one to four white eggs, which are typically about 3 centimeters (1.2 inches) long. The eggs are laid at intervals of a few days, with the first egg being the largest and the subsequent eggs getting progressively smaller.

Once the eggs hatch, the male takes on the role of primary caregiver. He will bring food to the nest, regurgitating it for the chicks to eat. The female will remain inside the nest with the chicks for a few days, but will eventually break out of the sealed cavity with the help of the male.

The chicks are born with a thick coat of down feathers, which are a light grey or cream color. They are blind and helpless at first, but grow quickly with the constant attention of their parents. The male will continue to bring food to the chicks, feeding them every few hours. As the chicks grow, they become more active and will start to explore the nest cavity.

After about six weeks, the chicks will start to fledge, or leave the nest. They will spend several more weeks with their parents, learning to fly and hunt for food. The parents will continue to feed and care for the chicks during this time, until they are able to fend for themselves.

The eggs of the common grey hornbill are typically white in color, with a smooth texture. The incubation period lasts for about 30 to 40 days, depending on the weather and other factors. The chicks are then cared for by their parents for several months, until they are able to fend for themselves in the wild.

IUCN Status

The common grey hornbill is classified as a species of “Least Concern” by the International Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN). This means that the species is not currently considered to be at significant risk of extinction.

While it is facing threats from habitat loss and hunting, its large range and relatively stable population size have helped to prevent it from being classified as a threatened species. However, continued monitoring and conservation efforts are still important to ensure that the species remains healthy and stable in the wild.

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