Potato Tree

The Potato Tree, also known as Solanum grandiflorum, is a tropical tree that is native to South America. It is a member of the Solanaceae family, which includes other well-known plants such as tomatoes and potatoes. The tree gets its name from the fact that the fruit it produces looks like small potatoes.

Tree CharacteristicsDescription
Common NamePotato tree
Scientific nameSolanum grandiflorum
Native placeSouth America
Maximum heightUp to 12 meters
Diameter of crown8-10 meters
Diameter of trunk30-40 centimeters
Years it takes to growApproximately 5-6 years for maturity

Country of Origin

The Potato Tree is native to South America, specifically Peru and Ecuador, but it has been introduced to other parts of the world like India, the Caribbean, and parts of Africa.

Physical Characteristics

The Potato Tree can grow up to 10 meters in height and has a rounded or oval-shaped crown. Its branches are thick and woody with a rough texture, and the leaves are a bright green color and grow in an alternating pattern. The flowers of the Potato Tree are its most distinctive feature, and they are trumpet-shaped and have a bright purple color.

Ecological Role

The Potato Tree is a valuable tree for wildlife as it provides food and shelter for many animals. The fruit of the tree is eaten by birds and mammals, while the leaves and branches provide shelter for a variety of insects and small animals. Additionally, the tree is known to attract pollinators like bees, which help to fertilize the flowers and promote healthy growth.

Importance to Birds, Animals, and Insects

The Potato Tree provides an important food source for a variety of birds and animals, including monkeys, bats, and parrots. The leaves and branches of the tree also provide shelter for a range of insects, including ants, beetles, and butterflies.

Flower Description

The flowers of the Potato Tree are large, trumpet-shaped, and have a bright purple color. They are produced in clusters at the end of the branches and have a distinctive fragrance that is often compared to the smell of jasmine.

Can it be grown in homes? 

Yes, the Potato Tree can be grown in homes and gardens, but it requires a warm climate and plenty of sunlight. It can be grown in containers and can be pruned to maintain a more compact size.

Bloom Time Months

The Potato Tree blooms from late spring to early summer, with the flowers appearing in clusters at the end of the branches.


The Potato Tree is a beautiful and valuable tree that is native to South America. It provides food and shelter for a variety of wildlife and can be grown in homes and gardens in warm climates. With its distinctive purple flowers and potato-like fruit, the Potato Tree is a unique and interesting addition to any garden or landscape.

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