Siberian Blue Robin

The Siberian Blue Robin is a bird of mystique and wonder, a feathered creature that embodies the essence of untamed nature. With its stunning azure blue plumage and rust-colored breast, it flits among the tangled undergrowth of the dense forests of Siberia, an elusive creature that seems to hold the secrets of the wilderness within its delicate frame.

Bird CharacteristicDescription
Common NameSiberian Blue Robin
Scientific NameLarvivora cyane
Colour (s)Blue, brown, and white
Average Length13 – 14 cm
Average Height8 – 11 cm
Weight10 – 14 g
Type of BirdForest
Origin country (ies)Breeds in Siberia and Northern China
Month it comes to IndiaSeptember – October
Location in IndiaNortheast India
IUCN statusLeast Concern


The Siberian Blue Robin, also known as the Oriental Blue Robin, is a small bird species found in the forests of eastern Asia. The Siberian Blue Robin has a round head, short beak, and a compact body. The male has a distinctive blue-grey plumage on its head and back, while the female has a brownish-grey color with a bluish tinge on the wings and tail.

The male has a blue-grey color on its head and back, with a reddish-orange breast and white belly. The female has a brownish-grey color on the head and back, with a bluish tinge on the wings and tail.

The Siberian Blue Robin stands at about 13-14 cm (5-5.5 inches) tall. The average weight is around 13-16 grams (0.46-0.56 ounces).

They is not known for its speed, as it typically hops or flits around the forest floor in search of insects and small invertebrates.

The Siberian Blue Robin measures around 13-14 cm (5-5.5 inches) in length. The wingspan is around 18-20 cm (7-8 inches), which is relatively small compared to other bird species

Habitat and Food

During the breeding season, the Siberian Blue Robin inhabits dense, deciduous forests with a thick understory, where it builds its nest on or near the ground. These forests provide the necessary cover and protection for the bird to raise its young and find food.

The Siberian Blue Robin feeds on a variety of insects and other small invertebrates, such as beetles, flies, caterpillars, and spiders. It forages for food on the ground, in low vegetation, or by making short flights to catch prey in mid-air.


The Siberian Blue Robin is a migratory bird that originates from the forests of Siberia and Northeast Asia. During the breeding season, they inhabit the taiga forests of these regions, building nests on the ground or in low shrubs.

In the winter months, Siberian Blue Robins undertake a long and arduous migration to warmer climates, including India. They typically arrive in India between late September to early November and depart by late March or early April.

Siberian Blue Robins can be found in a variety of states and geographical regions in India, including the Himalayas, Northeast India, the Western Ghats, and the Andaman and Nicobar Islands. These birds are typically found in forested areas, including both deciduous and evergreen forests, as well as wooded grasslands and scrublands.

The purpose of the Siberian Blue Robin’s migration to India is primarily for wintering, as they seek out milder temperatures and ample food resources. During the winter months, they feed on a variety of insects, spiders, and other invertebrates, as well as fruits and berries.

It is worth noting that while some Siberian Blue Robins may breed in India, the majority are passage migrants, meaning they pass through India on their way to other destinations. However, some individuals may choose to stay and breed in suitable habitats, particularly in the Northeastern states of India.

IUCN Status

The IUCN Red List of Threatened Species currently lists the Siberian Blue Robin as being of Least Concern. While the species has a large global population and wide distribution range, it is still affected by threats such as habitat loss and degradation, particularly in its breeding grounds.

As a ground-nesting species, the Siberian Blue Robin is vulnerable to habitat loss and degradation caused by deforestation, agricultural expansion, and human development activities. Climate change is also considered a potential threat, as it may alter the timing of breeding and migration patterns, and affect the availability of suitable habitats for the species.

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