The Enigmatic Asian Woolly-Necked Stork – A Detailed Examination

The Asian woolly-necked stork, or Asian woollyneck, as it’s often called, is a marvellous spectacle in the avian world. Belonging to the stork family Ciconiidae, this large wading bird is a resident breeder that resides from India to Indonesia. It’s typically spotted in an array of habitats like marshes in forests, agricultural areas, and freshwater wetlands across Asia. Known for its unique appearance and intriguing behaviors, the Asian woolly-necked stork is a bird lover’s delight. Whether seen in a bird sanctuary or captured in a bird image name, the charm of this bird is undeniable.

Serial NumberCharacteristicsDescription
1Common nameAsian woolly-necked stork
2Scientific nameCiconia episcopus
3ColourGlistening black with a white neck and lower belly, and deep crimson iris
4Average length75–92 cm
5Average heightApprox. 92 cm
6Type of birdLarge wading bird
7Found in India in statesAcross India
8HabitatMarshes in forests, agricultural areas, and freshwater wetlands
9IUCN StatusLeast Concern

Features of the Bird


The Asian woolly-necked stork is a medium-sized bird, with a length that can range from 75 to 92 cm. If you’ve ever seen a bird flying and marveled at its wingspan, the sight of the woolly-necked stork in flight would leave you astounded. Its length, coupled with its striking coloration, makes it a bird picture that easily stands out in a collection.


When we talk about the height of the bird, we refer to the length of the bird in a vertical position. This beautiful bird can stand as tall as 92 cm, which adds to its impressive and commanding presence. If you are a bird lover and have the opportunity to see this stork in a bird sanctuary, it’s an experience you’ll not forget.

Running Speed

As a large wading bird, the Asian woolly-necked stork isn’t renowned for its running speed. Instead, it’s more known for its graceful flight and unique behaviors. The bird png or bird image name featuring this bird often illustrates it in flight or showcasing its other behaviors, offering a glimpse into its fascinating life.


The Asian woolly-necked stork has a shiny black “skull cap” and is mostly black in color. Its name comes from the downy white feathers on its neck. The bottom of its belly and tail feathers are white, creating a contrast against its dark feathers. The iris is deep crimson or wine-red, adding to the bird’s overall intriguing appearance.

Habitat and Food of the Bird

  1. Habitat: The Asian woolly-necked stork is a versatile bird, thriving in a wide range of habitats. From marshes in forests and freshwater wetlands to agricultural areas and even cell phone towers, these birds have adapted to various environments.Coastal habitats in India have a relatively low population of this species, whereas they are commonly found in agricultural areas and wetlands outside of protected regions.
  1. Agricultural Areas: These birds have a special affinity for agricultural landscapes. Whether it’s fallow fields during the summer and monsoon seasons or natural freshwater wetlands during the winter, they showcase changing seasonal behaviors according to the landscape conditions.
  1. Grasslands and Marshes: The storks also use ponds and marshes inside forests, especially in Southeast Asia, where they prefer grassy and marshy areas in clearings of several forest types.
  1. Fire Attraction: An interesting aspect of their behavior is their attraction to fires in grasslands and crop fields. The creatures are catching insects attempting to flee the flames, which enhances their supply of nourishment.
  1. Food: The Asian woolly-necked stork feeds on insects and small vertebrates, making use of the changing landscape conditions to forage effectively.

Nesting and Nurturing

The Asian woolly-necked stork is a resident breeder, building nests on trees located on agricultural fields or wetlands, on natural cliffs, and even on cell phone towers. The stork’s breeding behavior reflects its adaptability and resourcefulness, traits that endear it to bird watchers and nature lovers alike.

Males have been observed to incubate the eggs, and tend to the young ones, which can run as soon as they are hatched. The bird house, in this case, the nest, is often situated in a location that allows the bird to have a wide view of its surroundings. This helps in spotting potential threats and protecting the young ones.


Like many bird species, the Asian woolly-necked stork faces various threats. These range from habitat loss due to deforestation and urbanization to direct disturbances from human activities. Even though they have shown an ability to adapt to changing environments, excessive interference can pose a significant threat.

IUCN Status and Conservation

The IUCN (International Union for Conservation of Nature) currently lists the Asian woolly-necked stork as of “Least Concern.” However, this does not mean that the bird is free from threats. It underscores the importance of continued conservation efforts, including the establishment and maintenance of bird sanctuaries and birdlife sanctuary areas, to ensure the survival and flourishing of this bird species.

In conclusion, the Asian woolly-necked stork is a testament to the wonders of the avian world. Its distinctive characteristics, diverse habitat, and fascinating behaviors make it a favorite among bird lovers, bird photographers, and anyone with an appreciation for nature’s marvels. From the bird shop near me to the farthest bird sanctuary, the presence of this bird is a sight to behold. Its survival and thriving are crucial to maintaining the delicate balance of our ecosystems.

More info about Asian Woolly-Necked Stork: Link

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