Yellow-Footed Green Pigeon

The Yellow-Footed Green Pigeon, with its resplendent plumage and striking yellow feet, is a sight to behold amidst the verdant landscapes of India. This magnificent bird is a true master of the skies, gracefully flitting through the trees and gliding effortlessly on the warm currents of the wind.

At first glance, the Yellow-Footed Green Pigeon may appear to be just another bird in the flock, but a closer look reveals its unique characteristics that set it apart from its avian peers. Its emerald green feathers shimmer in the sunlight, with subtle hints of yellow and blue that seem to dance in the light. Its bright yellow feet, meanwhile, are a bold statement of confidence and individuality, a striking contrast to the earthy hues of the forest floor.

Serial NumberCharacteristicDescription
1Common NameYellow-footed Green Pigeon
2Scientific NameTreron phoenicopterus
3ColourGreen with yellow feet and beak
4Average Length (cm)28
5Average Height (cm)22
6Type of BirdForest bird
7Found in India in StatesMaharashtra, Goa, Gujarat, Karnataka, Kerala, Tamil Nadu
8HabitatDeciduous forests, open woodlands, plantations, orchards
9StatusLeast Concern


The Yellow-Footed Green Pigeon is a stunning bird with a distinct appearance that sets it apart from other species. Its plumage is primarily a bright, emerald green that shimmers in the sunlight, giving it an almost iridescent quality. The wings and tail feathers are a darker shade of green, adding depth and contrast to the bird’s overall appearance.

One of the Yellow-Footed Green Pigeon’s most striking physical features are its bright yellow feet, which provide a sharp contrast to the bird’s predominantly green colouration. The feet are sturdy and well adapted to perching on tree branches and navigating through the forest canopy.

In terms of size, the Yellow-Footed Green Pigeon is a medium-sized bird, measuring between 28-30 cm in length and weighing around 150 grams. Its wingspan is approximately 50 cm, making it a nimble flier and adept at navigating through the treetops.

Habitat and Food

The Yellow-Footed Green Pigeon is a highly adaptable bird that is found throughout India, from the western Ghats to the forests of the northeastern states. It prefers habitats with dense tree cover, such as evergreen and deciduous forests, as well as mangroves and wooded areas near agricultural land. They are also known to inhabit urban parks and gardens, adapting to changing landscapes.

In terms of diet, the Yellow-Footed Green Pigeon is primarily frugivorous, feeding on a variety of fruits and berries, including figs, guavas, and mangoes. They also consume leaves and flowers, as well as small insects and seeds. Their diet varies according to the availability of food sources, and they are known to travel long distances in search of fruiting trees.

The Yellow-Footed Green Pigeon’s eating habits play an important role in the ecosystems in which they live, as they help to disperse seeds across large distances, facilitating the growth and regeneration of plant species. This makes them an important part of the food chain and a key contributor to the health of the natural habitats in which they live.

Nesting and Nurturing

The Yellow-Footed Green Pigeon is a monogamous species that typically breeds between the months of April and June. They are known to build their nests in dense foliage or among the branches of tall trees, using twigs and leaves to construct a platform that is often located near a source of food.

The female Yellow-Footed Green Pigeon usually lays a single egg, occasionally two, that is a pale cream colour with small brown speckles. Incubation lasts for around 14 to 16 days, with both parents taking turns to sit on the egg and keep it warm.

Once the egg hatches, the baby Yellow-Footed Green Pigeon is born helpless and covered in a light layer of down feathers. Both parents work together to care for their young, feeding it a diet of regurgitated fruit and other plant material. The chick grows quickly, with its downy feathers being replaced by adult plumage after a few weeks.

As the chick becomes more independent, it begins to venture out of the nest and explore the surrounding environment, often staying close to its parents for protection. The parents continue to feed and care for their young until it is fully fledged and able to fend for itself, usually around 3-4 weeks after hatching.

IUCN Status

The Yellow-Footed Green Pigeon is currently listed as a species of “Least Concern” by the International Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN). This means that while there may be threats to its population, such as habitat loss or hunting, the species is still relatively abundant and not in immediate danger of extinction. However, it is still important to monitor the population and continue conservation efforts to ensure its long-term survival.

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