Red Slender Loris

The Slender Loris is a small, nocturnal primate that is native to the tropical forests of southern India and Sri Lanka. They are also known as the Loris, and they belong to the family Lorisidae, which includes several other species of slow-moving primates.

Slender Lorises are about the size of a squirrel, with a long tail and large, round eyes. They have dense, woolly fur that is usually gray or brown, and they have distinctive markings around their eyes that look like a mask. They are also known for their long, slender fingers and toes, which they use to grip branches and climb trees.

Slender Lorises are arboreal, meaning they spend most of their time in trees. They are nocturnal and feed mainly on insects, but they may also eat small vertebrates and fruits. They are also known for their slow movement and ability to remain motionless for long periods, which helps them avoid predators.

Red Slender Loris 

SL NOCharacteristicsInformation 
1Common NameRed Slender Loris
2Scientific NameLoris tardigradus
3Length6-10 inches
4ColourReddish coat
5Height / girthSmall and slender with a girth of around 6 inches
6Tail lengthAround 1 inch
7Height till shoulderAround 4-6 inches
8Average weight4-5 ounces
9Food habitsInsectivorous, feeds on insects, spiders, and small vertebrates
10HabitatTropical and subtropical forests of Sri Lanka
11Interesting factsRed Slender Lorises are nocturnal, arboreal primates that are known for their slow and deliberate movements. They have large, round eyes that enable them to see well in the dark, and they are able to rotate their heads nearly 180 degrees. Slender Lorises also have a toxic bite, which they use for self-defence.


The Red Slender Loris, also known as the Red Shy Loris, is a small arboreal primate found in Sri Lanka. Here are some of its physical features:

Body size: The Red Slender Loris is a small primate, with a body length of around 20-25 cm (8-10 inches) and a weight of approximately 200-350 grams (7-12 ounces).

Fur color: They have reddish-brown fur with a paler underside, and a distinctive white stripe between their eyes.

Eyes: The Red Slender Loris has large eyes that are adapted to their nocturnal lifestyle. They have a reflective layer behind their retinas called the tapetum lucidum, which enhances their night vision.

Arms and legs: They have long, slender arms and legs that are adapted for climbing and leaping from branch to branch. Their fingers and toes have pads that help them grip onto branches.

Tail: The Red Slender Loris has a short tail that is usually hidden in its fur.

Teeth: They have sharp, pointed teeth that are used for catching insects and other small animals.

Vocalizations: The Red Slender Loris is known for its unique vocalisations, which include soft clicks, whistles, and trills.

Food Habits

Slender Lorises are primarily insectivores and feed on a variety of insects such as grasshoppers, crickets, beetles, and spiders. They have a slow metabolism and can survive on a diet of very few insects. They also occasionally feed on small reptiles, bird eggs, and plant gums.


The Red Slender Loris is native to Sri Lanka and is found in a variety of habitats, including tropical and subtropical rainforests, dry forests, and scrublands. They are primarily arboreal, spending most of their time in trees, but can also be found on the ground, particularly when moving between trees.

Red Slender Lorises are most commonly found in forested areas with dense vegetation, which provides them with plenty of cover and a variety of food sources. They prefer areas with a high density of trees, particularly those with thick foliage, as this provides them with a safe place to hide during the day and a good vantage point for hunting insects at night.

Vulnerable Species

Red Slender Loris is considered vulnerable in Sri Lanka. The Red Slender Loris, is “Endangered” by the International Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN).

The primary threats faced by RedSlender Lorises are habitat loss and fragmentation due to deforestation, conversion of forests for agriculture, and human settlements. In addition, they are also threatened by hunting for their meat, body parts used in traditional medicine, and the illegal pet trade.

Protected Areas

There are several protected areas in Sri Lanka that are home to the Red Slender Loris, including national parks, nature reserves, and forest reserves. These protected areas are crucial for the conservation of the species and its habitat. Some of the protected areas where Red Slender Lorises can be found include:

Sinharaja Forest Reserve: This UNESCO World Heritage site is a tropical rainforest located in the southwest of Sri Lanka and is home to a variety of endemic species, including the Red Slender Loris.

Kanneliya Forest Reserve: Located in the Galle District, this forest reserve is a biodiversity hotspot and a protected area for many endangered species, including the Red Slender Loris.

Knuckles Conservation Forest: This forest reserve is located in the central highlands of Sri Lanka and is home to a variety of endemic species, including the Red Slender Loris.

Horton Plains National Park: This protected area is located in the central highlands of Sri Lanka and is a popular destination for wildlife enthusiasts. The park is home to several endangered species, including the Red Slender Loris.

Yala National Park: Located in the southeast of Sri Lanka, this national park is the second-largest national park in the country and is home to a variety of wildlife, including the Red Slender Loris.


To protect the Red Slender Loris, several steps can be taken. These include:

Habitat conservation: The primary threat to lorises is habitat loss due to deforestation and other forms of human encroachment. To protect loris populations, it is essential to conserve their habitat by establishing and maintaining protected areas, such as national parks and wildlife reserves.

Enforcement of wildlife laws: Hunting and trade of loris species are illegal in India, but enforcement of these laws can be challenging. Effective law enforcement can help reduce the demand for loris meat, body parts, and traditional medicines.

Awareness and education: Raising public awareness about the importance of conserving lorises and their habitat can help promote conservation efforts. Education programs can be targeted towards local communities, schools, and tourists who visit national parks.

Research and monitoring: Research on the behavior, ecology, and population status of lorises can help guide conservation efforts. Regular monitoring of loris populations can also help detect changes in their population size and distribution.

Rehabilitation and release: In cases where lorises are rescued from illegal trade or captivity, rehabilitation and release programs can help reintroduce them into the wild and support their recovery.

These steps, when implemented together, can help protect the Grey Slender Loris and other loris species in India from threats and ensure their survival in the wild.

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