
Senecio Crassissimus

“Nature always wears the colours of the spirit.” – Ralph Waldo Emerson.

Among the diverse array of indoor plants, Senecio Crassissimus holds a unique position with its eye-catching vertical leaves and lavender blossoms. A part of the large Senecio genus, this succulent species is native to Madagascar and has made its way into the hearts of plant lovers globally. It’s not just a plant; it’s a living piece of art that adds a dramatic touch to any space it occupies.

Senecio Crassissimus features upright, flattened, grey-green leaves arranged in a distinctive opposite pattern along the stem. The edges of the leaves turn a beautiful purple in bright sunlight, adding a pop of colour to your indoor green space. During the winter, the plant breaks into a bloom of charming lavender flowers that emanate a subtle, pleasing fragrance.


Common NameVertical Leaf Senecio
Scientific NameSenecio Crassissimus
Leaf ColorGrey-Green with purple edges
SunlightBright, indirect sunlight
Soil TypeWell-draining sandy or gritty soil
Water RequirementsLow, drought-tolerant
Maximum HeightUp to 2 feet

The Vertical Leaf Senecio, with its unique appearance and easy-to-care-for nature, is an ideal choice for any indoor garden or interior garden setup.

Types of Senecio Crassissimus

While the species “Senecio Crassissimus” does not have further recognized varieties, the Senecio genus is extensive, with many diverse species, each possessing its own unique characteristics.

Plant Care: Sunlight, Watering, Soil, and Repotting

Sunlight Needs

Senecio Crassissimus prefers bright, indirect sunlight. Too much direct sunlight can cause the leaves to scorch, while insufficient light can lead to elongated, sparse growth.

Water Needs

As a succulent, this plant is highly drought-tolerant. Water it sparingly, allowing the soil to dry out thoroughly between watering.

Soil Type

A well-draining soil mix is crucial for the healthy growth of Senecio Crassissimus. Regular potting soil mixed with coarse sand, perlite, or pumice is ideal.


Repot every two years during spring or summer. This plant doesn’t mind being slightly pot-bound, so a pot only slightly larger than the current one will work best.

Common Problems and Remedies


Like all succulents, Senecio Crassissimus is susceptible to root rot if overwatered. Always err on the side of underwatering.

Poor Light

This plant loves light. If it doesn’t receive enough, it will become leggy. Keep it in a place where it receives plenty of bright but indirect light.

Pest Infestation

Mealybugs and aphids can be an issue. Treat any infestation promptly with an appropriate insecticide.

Best Places for Plant Decor in Home

On a Vanity Table

Placing this plant on your vanity table can add an element of natural beauty to your daily routine. Its vertical growth habit and vibrant colours make it a great accent piece.

On a Dressing Table

Senecio Crassissimus can act as a calming presence on your dressing table. Its unique texture and form add an extra dimension to your space.

In a Garden Room

In a garden room, this plant can contribute to an indoor garden paradise. Its dramatic form makes it a standout piece in any collection of greenery.


The Senecio Crassissimus is a spectacularly unique plant that brings a touch of the dramatic to any indoor setting. Its vertical, grey-green leaves with purple edges are a true delight to the eye, and when it blooms with lavender flowers, the experience is nothing short of magical.

Cultivating this plant in your indoor house garden or as part of your indoor gardening journey can be a rewarding experience. With the right care and attention, you will be able to enjoy the beauty of this plant in all its glory. Whether placed on a vanity table or as a part of a garden room collection, the Senecio Crassissimus is sure to be a captivating addition to your indoor oasis.

Remember, the joy of growing plants is not just in the end result, but in the process itself. Each leaf that grows, each flower that blooms, is a testament to your nurturing. So, let’s embrace the green thumb within us and let our indoor gardens grow.

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